Chapter 28: You've got Mail

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{Midoryia's POV}

I run down the street, stumbling over my feet and nearly tripping. I think I hear footsteps behind me but I don't turn around to check. I just activate One for All and land on top of a building and continue getting as far away as I could.

I'm horribly embarrassed and angry, I can't stay in the same area or else I might kill someone.

I end up at the edge of the forest, it was dusk and the temperature was dropping quickly. I wasn't sure what to do.

My head pounded and all I wanted to do was crawl under a rock and never move again. I use One for All to hoist myself into a tall tree with thick leaves and nestle into a curved branch. I take off my vest and drapes it over myself, trying to use it as a blanket.

Red hot anger bubbles under my skin, which I'm convinced is the only reason I'm slightly warm. I want to do something about it, but my head hurts so badly I can't bare to move. My vision fades in and out and eventually, I fall asleep, to relive an old nightmare.

{Kozo's POV}

"That's... shitty," I say, breaking the silence after Yiri read the letter Deku wrote to his old colleagues. I'm not sure how to react. 

"We need to get this to the school," Yiri says, "But they know Zashi, Todoroki has seen me, Todoroki saw you too," he gestures to me, "But it was very brief. So you're our best bet."

"Hey wait, why should we give it to them at all?" I ask, "Deku is obviously not sane, why should we want to help them, why should they listen to us, I mean c' mon!" I say, getting angry, "It's our asses on the line!"

"It's alright Kozo," Zashi tries and calms me, "I think it's a good idea if we give it to them. Maybe Deku will calm down if he sees his old friends. And... well." She thinks for a second, reaching for a reason we should deliver the letter.

"Absolutely not!" I yell. Yiri and Zashi just stare at me, with stupid wide eyes.

So I'm on my way to UA.  I carry the yellow envelope with the letter and vial we all decided to leave in there.

The sticky note on the vial says, "Maybe you can figure this out" which I assume means he wants them to find an antidote. 

If they do, Deku will probably leave us forever. Which is a painful thought. As much as we pissed each other off, we worked well together at the end of the day. I'd be a street crook cowering from everyone, but anytime I said I worked with Deku people backed off. 

But we all made the decision that he deserved to have a chance to live normally. But of course, we can only see what happens.

I walk through the UA Barrier without a problem, since I have a student ID on me I stole this morning. I take one whenever possible just in case. You can't use old ones because more than likely it's been terminated once they notice it's missing.

I walk right onto campus and make a turn to the dorms. It takes a while, but I finally find the dorm where the letter needs to go.

I knock on the door and a boy with red hair spikey hair opens the door.

"Hey-" He begins to greet, but then he stops and stares at me for a moment. "Hey wait a second, your that guy from the arcade!" I nod a little embarrassed and he starts to look around behind him, gesturing for someone to come to the door.

"No no uh, I can't stay. I just needed to deliver this." I hand him the package and he smiles at me.

"Ah, no problem man! Thanks! Cya later, ok?" 

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