Chapter 33: Recruiting Help

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{Bakugo's POV}

I curse under my breath as we arrive in the city and see the destruction. By the time we got here several large buildings full of people have collapsed and countless people injured or dead.

We scour the city, looking for Deku. Unfortunately, he's nowhere to be seen so we decide to help rescue efforts.

"What should we do?" Uraraka yells tearfully as she works to rescue people from the rubble. Kirishima and I stand near her, ready to grab people out from under the wreck. Todoroki works to help some pros with first aid, Iida sprints back and forth between outposts and Aizawa is talking with heroes and police

"Find that bastard before he does anything else," I yell as Uraraka lifts a large slab of concrete and Kirishima and I run in to grab a few weak citizens, thankfully alive, and carry them to the volunteer first-responders. I make the concrete explode and Uraraka softly drops the smaller debris.

"You three!" Aizawa calls and we turn our attention to him, Todoroki and Iida stand beside him, "We've got this under control. Zikashi and Yiri will join you both soon, they're off... trying something." He explains vaguely, "Please go try and find Midoryia so we don't have to rescue more people. Kozo is in care right now." He sounds way more tired and exasperated than usual.

{Zikashi's POV}

As scary as it is, we make our way to The League of Villains. Aizawa knows what we're doing to an extent. I told him we were going to attempt to recruit help, but he doesn't know who we're going too.

You see, I feel like we're safe. We personally never had any falling out with The League, in fact technically we're still apart of it. Kurogiri even stood as our way of escape in case something went wrong when we went to UA, which he swore to never tell the rest of The League and I sincerely hope he kept that promise.

As we walk, my side aches and stings from where I had been stabbed. A hole in my shirt reveals the bandage covering the wound.

As much as Deku annoyed Shigaraki and the rest of the group at times I know they had some ounce of respect for him. Especially Toga, Jesus. I'd met the girl a number of times and almost every time she talked about her 'Izu' and how cute the scars were. I guess now the 'Izu' nickname makes sense now that I know his name is Izuku.

Shigaraki got annoyed by him but it was his idea to recruit him, to begin with. Dabi worked with him on a few occasions and that seemed to go ok. Twice and Spinner seemed to like him, as well as Kurogiri.

Yiri was very uptight and afraid since The League didn't really like his fearful attitude, but All for One assigned him to Midoryia for whatever reason.

"C' mon Yiri it'll be fine," I say.

"You don't know that," he mumbles.

"The League isn't going to appreciate it if you're cowering in the corner."

Yiri nods in agreement and tries to act more confident as we walk down the alley towards the door.

I take the lead as I knock on the door and Shigaraki opens it, he doesn't have the hands on his face which surprises me a little. It's like seeing someone who cakes on makeup without any.

"What." He grumbles.

"It's about Deku," I explain, "I'm sure you've seen the news?"

He sighs and nods, "Of course I have, but he isn't apart of The League anymore so it doesn't concern us."

"Actually it does," I bargain, "Can I come in?"

He considers this, "Anyone with you?"

"Just me," Yiri squeaks and Shigaraki rolls his eyes and moves out of the way to let us in. We step into the musty room to see Dabi and Toga sitting on the couch. Toga lights up and waves at me, I wave back.

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