Chapter 47: Picnics and Lunatics

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{Midoryia's POV}

The next day I wake up super early to make sandwiches for everyone, including taking the time to buy desserts. It's about noon when I arrive at the park and see everyone already sitting on some blankets they laid out in the beautiful rich green grass.

When I trot up to them I notice everyone has a second of hesitance before greeting me. I can't blame them really, but I can't help if it hurts just a little.

My arm aches as I carry the large basket to the blanket and set it down. Everyone around me wears tank tops, t-shirts, shorts, and I'm the only one in a loose long-sleeved jacket to hide the long, thick trail of scars from the outside of my wrist to my shoulder from Shigaraki. It almost just looks like a pale stripe, except for the various bumps and dips where his hand lingered a little longer.

Recovery Girl could only do so much before it got dangerous for me to use so much energy. I was going to just wear a normal long-sleeved shirt but it was too tight on the injury, so I sacrificed comfort. Fortunately, there were only a few, smaller scars on my legs so I was comfortable wearing shorts. At least I wouldn't have a heat stroke as quickly.

Everyone here except Bakugo and Todoroki, but I guess I'm not surprised. Mina dances around with Hagakure, I hear Jirou playing music, Kaminari, Ojiro, Sero, and Shoji play a card game, Iida races around ensuring no ones getting in trouble. Uraraka sits nearly me smiling and watching everyone. Occasionally her and Momo would discuss agencies.

I chat with them absentmindedly, asking how the graduation went, what's happening in their lives, plans, etc. They limit questions to just how I've been over the past week, and not about The League. It annoys me a little to see them dance around topics as if they're afraid I'll lash out or breakdown.

"Uh, guys? I just wanted to apologize, sincerely. You guys can ask me any questions you want about anything and I'll answer honestly. I have no reason to hide anything." I mumble when I have an opening, a little worried I'll bum everyone out. Astoundingly, that isn't what happens.

Kaminari, in particular, jumps to attention and asks me, very excitedly.

"Did you meet any famous villains?" He's absolutely beaming. I see Momo reach around and smack him, but I just laugh.

"No no, it's okay. I mean, sure. Of course, there was The League, but there was also the Yakuza. Let me tell you something about Overhaul," I burst into story mode, gesturing happily as I tell them about my interactions with various villains. There's a deep-rooted part of me that feels uncomfortable as I speak, almost to a point where I feel as if I was going to vomit, but it's the least I owe them. And, it's breaking the ice.

"He's a jerk. I'm glad they finally caught that guy." They stare at me in awe, with a little bit of discomfort mixed in.

"What's the most dangerous thing you've done?" Mineta jumps in.

"Well," I lift my shirt to reveal an old scar from a stab wound, "I made someone angry and they duct-taped me to their knife throwing board. Thrilling at the time, painful later." 

"I heard in an article that you had some sort of split personality?" Ojiro asks, I visibly wince and I see his eyes widen, "Oh, no I'm sorry-"

"No it's fine," I smile at him as I feel the discomfort rise in my stomach and form a lump in my throat, "That's true to an extent. The first time I took the serum It was just my singular mind, but my thoughts were corrupted. So It was just me, but it wasn't me. The second time, it split 3 ways. There was me, then someone who called himself Deku, then someone just labeled 'Old Midoryia'-"

"So what were you... if there was the old Midoryia?" Mineta asks, his brain is about to explode.

"I don't understand it much either, all I know is that at any given time Deku and Old Midoryia were rioting against each other and were trying to influence me. Sort of like... an angel or devil on your shoulder."

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