Chapter 39: Interviews

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{Midoryia's POV}

I pace in my cell to pass the time. I mentally sit back and listen to Deku and Old Midoryia argue. Doctors and press come in daily to take my blood and ask me questions. The questions were usually the same, sometimes they crossed a few lines, but it got boring quickly.

How are you feeling?

Are you still a threat?

Do you consider yourself a threat?

Are you sorry for what you've done?

If you got out, what would you do?

I highly disliked the wording of the questions, particularly the last one. If I got out? What do you mean if?

I wanted to strangle that interviewer but I forced my anger down and answered as respectfully as possible. I figured that if I was friendly to everyone the world and people who have the power to get me out would think that I was well enough to be in society, or that I'd give me a small chance. 

If I'm being honest my only chance of getting out is making a full recovery and convincing everyone that I was forced to do everything, redirecting the blame onto The League, or All for One. If I can make myself out as the victim I'll gain the pity of the public and I might even be a respected celebrity. The most celebrated are the rehabilitated after all.

In the coming weeks, I tell the police officers that I am encouraging interviewers to come and speak with me. If I can get the friendly, interesting side of my personality into the public while my story is still popular, I'll be golden.

A particular news reporter comes in that I recognize, Chitose Kizuki. A woman with long pale hair parted to the left. Her eyes were pure white surrounded by black, so basically the white part of everyone's eyes and the black irises were switched. Even for this interview, she wore a shoulderless black dress and she wore an unbuttoned jacket with a fur collar.

She walks in with an air of confidence and I instantly knew this was going to be a battle. She quickly sits down in the chair and sits up straight with her notepad at the ready. We meet eyes and she raises an eyebrow. I silently move over and sit in the steady chair and smile at her.

"I assume you want an interview?" I ask as friendly as possible but I know it had an underlying tone of sourness.

"I do. My name is Kizuki, I hope you don't mind if I ask a few questions?" She's being polite but I know her. Not personally of course, but I do know that she can get pretty cutthroat in her interviews. She loves interviewing people in the middle of a battle to catch them off guard, particularly she interviews villains.

"Go for it," I say and cross my arms as I lean back. I look at my faint reflection in the glass. The eye with the scars is stained a very light red and I can tell the cloudiness has gone. The other eye shines green, I'm surprised I haven't had a fever dream yet where that eye gets stabbed too, but whatever.

"What are you going to do when you get out?" She asks and stares into my eyes. For a second I'm scared she knows what I'm thinking, but I know that isn't her quirk. Her quirk allows her to make things into bombs, so it's not a threat to me.

"Ideally, I just want to live a casual life. I used to adore heroes and I was on my way to becoming a hero but at this point, I don't feel like I could go back to that. I mean, no matter what, people are always going to see me for what I was and I can't blame them. I don't want to see people cry or panic if I show up to save them." I say, sending out invitations to the pity party.

"I see..." She says as she scribbles my answer down. "When you say casual, do you mean domestic?"

I shrug, "I just mean to stay out of the public light. I'm tired of that, I just want to fix the things I've screwed up the best I can and then never bother anyone again."

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