2 Hennessy

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"My God, where have you been all this time?"
Sarah mumbles as she chews on the meal I made for lunch.

"This is amazing, Kat." Hailey tells me and I smile thankfully, putting away the dishes I used.

I spent the morning unpacking and organising my room. I will stay here for two months, after all. By the time I had finished, it was already one, so I decided to cook something for lunch and it seems to me that they all like it.

"I will pay you to cook for us." Luke says while wiping his mouth using a napkin.

"I don't mind." I say. "You don't even have to pay. I enjoy cooking."

"She's a blessing." Sarah raises from her seat and I laugh out loud.

After lunch, Jessica and I decide to go to the pool. I was worried there would be too much people in the water, but when we came closer I noticed the pool is actually really big. People are sitting on the side, drinking cocktails and what not. In the back I can see the courts Hailey was talking about.

I immediately jumped in the water, being a huge lover of swimming.

"I never told you, but you look amazing." Jessica says as we rested by the pool side, sipping cold cocktails.

"What do you mean?" I ask, startled by the sudden compliment.

"You looked like a little girl when I saw you last time, you've changed so much." She explains.

I get where she's coming from, my hair has grown a lot in the past year, and I've been going to the gym, so I can proudly say my body has formed in the best way possible. I'm really proud of myself.

"Thank you, Jess." I say gratefully.

"What I don't know is, do you have a boyfriend?" She asks, wiggling her eyebrows.

"No." I shake my head. "I'm not looking for relationships at the moment."


"Yeah. Commitment isn't really something I'm good at." I explain.

Jessica nods, thinking through my statement.

"What about you?" I look at her. She chuckles at my question before turning to face me.

"Well, you see, I am actually really good at commitment. But unfortunately, the guys I'm into aren't." She says, rolling her hazel eyes.

Once we finish with enjoying, drinking  and talking, mostly gossiping, we decide it's time to go back to the apartment. I didn't even notice how fast time went by. It's already five o'clock and all we did was lounge around.

As we get closer to our apartment, I notice a faint music coming through the hall, and the further we walk, the louder it becomes.

"Oh, great. Not again." Jessica mutters and as I turn to ask her what's wrong, a group of girls exit through our apartment door, giggling as if they were tipsy.

"What was that?" I ask no one in particular and just as I peek through our door, my question is answered.

A bunch of people are dancing in our apartment, holding bottles and glasses of what I assume is alcohol. The music is blasting through the speakers which are placed in the very middle. Our couch is barely visible since there are bodies covering it and the kitchen is filled with stains. Judging by Jessica's previous statement, I suppose this isn't the first time this has happened, that a party is brought into our apartment.

"Since we have a five bedroom apartment, it's one of the largest in the building, which is why these kind of parties always end up here." Jessica tells me through the music, having to raise her voice.

I try to avoid bumping into people, but I end up colliding with a guy who's dancing carelessly. As he faces me I recognize the sunglasses.

"New girl!" He raises his arms in the air and pulls me into a hug. I stay confused, but manage a small smile.

"Do you know where Luke is?" He asks, almost yelling.

"I have no idea!" I answer and just in that moment someone puts a hand on my shoulder and I turn around to see Luke's tall frame. His eyes are narrowed and focused on the guy in sunglasses.

"Carter, you idiot!" He says, not moving an inch.

"What's up, dude?" The guy, Carter, laughs and raises a hand for a high five. I can't help but giggle at how drunk he actually is, his body swaying from side to side. Luke swats his arm away and continues to glare at him.

"What do you think you're doing?" Luke growls.

"I brought the party to you!" Carter answers, too happy for Luke's liking.

"This isn't your apartment, dumbass!" Luke warns before pushing past us. He goes towards the kitchen and soon I lose sight of him.

"I'm Carter!" Carter smiles and offers me a hand which I gladly take.

"I know." I say, shaking his hand. "I'm Kat."

"Are you friends with Luke?"

"His girlfriend is my cousin." I answer, but Carter doesn't seem to hear me, since he motions to his ear and comes closer.

"His girlfriend is my cousin." I say louder but he looks at me in confusion and tells me to repeat again.

"His girlfriend is my cousin!" I yell and he grins, showing me a thumbs up. Once again I giggle at his silliness and just as I'm about to start dancing, someone bumps into my back and I feel a liquid flow down my legs. I look down and gasp when I see the stain on my shorts.

I groan loudly and turn around to see the person who spilled this drink all over me. I see the bottle in the person's hand and look up only to end up frozen in place. I am more than speechless as I stare into those blue eyes, ones that I despise so much.

"Aw, man." The boy whines, clearly drunk. "My Hennessy."

"Wes, your Hennessy is all over her, man." Carter says.

The boy in front of me, Wes, lifts up his head to look me straight in the eyes before a smirk appears on his lips as he looks me up and down.

"She's hot." He says and then somebody pulls him back, so his figure is no longer visible to me.

"You found yourself a man!" Carter chuckles next to me and I mentally slap myself, and him, but I just pull a smile on my face before walking towards my room.

Luckily, it's untouched and I sprawl myself on the bed and start thinking how I came to the other side of America only to run into the one person I would never want to see during summer vacation. Since freshman year, Weston Blue and I have hated eachother and I don't even remember why. It's been going on for so long, since the first insult to today. That feud has been a giant part of my highschool experience and every summer, I get a break from that egoistic maniac, and now, my break is ruined.


I'll be giving dedications and shoutouts for the most creative comment ;)

Love, M.

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