43 Doubt

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If you came this far, thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Wes Blue

The sound of my neighbor's car's engine wakes me up in the morning. I lazily dab on my eyes and slowly open them, meeting the stupid sunlight. My head does hurt, but not as much as I expected it to, and I thank myself for not drinking too much last night. I stretch my hands to the side and gradually turn my head to my right. My hand reaches the dark hair of the girl laying beside me, her face so calm and peaceful.

My favorite birthday present.

A smile creeps on my lips as I twist a small hair strand between my fingers. She doesn't budge and continues her sleep. So she's a heavy sleeper, cute.

I hesitantly get up from my bed and pick up the clothing from the floor. I fold mine and place them in the closet and then grab Katherine's red jumpsuit and hang it over my chair so it doesn't crease. I throw a look at it for a second and remember just how hot she looked in it, almost distracting me when I had to do that speech on the DJ stage last night. I place her heels next to it and then grab a pair of clean boxers for myself.

Pulling out a drawer, I take my black sweatpants and pull them over my legs. I sneak one last glimpse towards the girl in my bed before carefully and quietly exiting my room, making sure the door closes without a sound.

I walk down the stairs of my house and have to slow down when the state of my living room comes in my view.

"What the- " I look around, staring at my couch, which is covered in different stains and unknown objects. I make my way to the middle of the room, where that giant cake is still standing open.

"Shit." I curse loudly when I trip over a couple bottles laying on the floor. They make a clattering sound and I groan before picking them up.

The door across the stairs open widely and my best friend comes out of the guest room, looking no less tired than me. He rubs on his eye with his palm and catches my gaze.

"Mornin'." He mutters in a groggy voice and proceeds to walk over to me, examining the place while he walks.

"It's trashed." I say, stating the obvious. I'm more than glad we decided to remove my TV because I highly doubt it would survive last night. There were too many people, definitely more than we expected, and I'm just thankful no police was involved. My neighbors are young, so they have understanding when it comes to this stuff.

"I think nothing's broken." Adeen looks around, but his voice isn't so sure. "I think."

"Dad said everything has to be in order when they get back." I tell him, remembering the conversation I had with my father before the party.

"Yeah, we'll fix all this. The worst part will be cleaning out the puke." He makes a disgusted expression and I just scrunch up my nose. We've done this before but it seems like it's worse every time.

"What happened while I was gone?" I ask as we start collecting the objects around my living room, bottles and cups, leftover plates, jewerly and even a pair of heels. It's surprising to know what people can do when they get drunk.

Adeen huffs, as if there's too much to say, before speaking, picking up the shattered glass off the ground. I can already see he's gonna cut himself, but I decide not to say anything, he never listens to me anyway.

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