14 Lightning

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"That's Jordan, Ashley, Peeta, Maggie -"

"Hails, Jesus, she's not gonna remember all that!" One of the boys comment and my cousin just looks at my stunned face. With the loud music, crazy atmosphere, I can barely focus on my friends and she expects me to remember the big group standing in front of me.

"The night is long, I'll try my best." I smile and they return it.

"Come here." Hailey pulls me with her and we follow the group to the couches.

Let me tell you what's happening tonight. The entire house, by that I mean every single part of this house is turned into a party zone. I don't know how many people are staying here currently, but wherever you go there's people around you with cups filled with alcohol and holding cigarettes in their hands. The music is blasting through multiple speakers which are placed on each level. Unlike the usual apartment parties, this is absolute madness.

"Let's play something. I need to get drunk." One of the girls suggests.

"Truth or dare?"


"Seven minutes in heaven?"

"How am I supposed to get drunk then?"

"Never have I ever?"


"Yes!" She booms and positions us in a circle, while the boys fill up nine cups and place them in front of each person. "I'll start."

"Never have I ever gotten an F." She smiles and I hear some people groan and mutter something like nerd. I obviously take a sip because, hey, math sucks.

"Never have I ever played tennis." A girl next to her says and I take a sip.

"Never have I ever been cheated on." Everyone except me take a sip and I see the girls eyeing me.

"Lucky girl." One of them smiles at me.

"Never have I ever been on a horse race." I almost laugh when nobody except Hailey takes a sip. She has always been a fan of horses and I know how much she misses it.

"Never have I ever been in love." Once again I don't take a sip and one of the guys turns to me.

"Did you ever have a boyfriend?" He asks me.

"I don't know." I answer honestly. They look at me like I'm insane and I just look at Hailey, who only shrugs.

"I have one." The girl who started the game raises her hand and looks straight into my eyes. Jesus, when did this game start being about me?

"Never have I ever had sex."

Probably, definitely, against all popular beliefs and the group's assumptions, I take a long ass sip from my red cup.

"Interesting." The boy who previously commented smiles, lazily hanging his arm around the girl next to him.

We all turn our heads towards the entrance when we hear distinct shouting. People have gathered around and most of them seem concerned.

"What's going on?" One of the girls asks as she sticks out her head in the attempt to see something.

The guys stand up and, being much taller, they scan the situation from afar. They mumble something to eachother before they move between us and start walking there. One of them turns his head to face the rest of us.

"It's Blue fighting someone." He says. My insides drop and I snap my head to see that Hailey is already looking at me with a panicked face expression.

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