28 Crudo

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"Is she awake?"

"I can't see through doors."

"That's funny, C."

I wonder if I should groan or laugh at the two voices outside the room as I open the door wide and greet them both with a nice morning glare.

"There's our crudo." Carter smiles at me from the couch, his hand gripping a cup of coffee, something I'm dying to have tight now.

"Crudo?" I wonder as I pass all of them, my cousin, Jessica and Carter, sauntering in the kitchen where Wes is grabbing multiple items out of the dishwasher. I take the coffee from the counter and start making it for myself.

"I heard it's Mexican for hungover." Carter explains his use of words and Hailey scoffs.

"You're probably using it wrong." She mumbles.

"Cállate." I hear him say and a giggle escapes my lips as I turn to look at him funnily. Hand it to Carter to make me laugh even when my head is pounding badly. I just shake my head and turn back to my coffee, adding the brown ingredient.

The apartment door creaks open and I hear a small voice, unable to comprehend what is said, but the humming makes me sigh. I look at the wal in front of me and grip the tiny spoon tighter. From the corner of my eye I can see Wes smirking at my reaction, his own hand holding a clear white plate.

"Is it her?" I whisper, my voice barely audible, but enough for him to hear. He looks to the side and rolls his eyes lightly, nodding at me. I just press my lips together, flicking the spoon in the sink, overexaggerating my throw. I fake a smile and walk into the living room, where the blondie has already placed herself in the sofa. I sit beside Carter and spread my legs over the other side of the couch.

"It's nice." Jessica nods at my cousin after examining her hand, probably looking at the finger Hailey always wears. Her family gave it to her when she turned eighteen and she hasn't taken it off since.

"It's getting smaller." Hailey says, raising her hand to look at it herself, a frown visible on her face.

"No, your fingers are getting bigger." Jess comments.

"Fatter." Carter corrects, receiving a finger from my cousin.

"Don't worry. Luke will get you another one." Jessica teases and Hailey's face progresses to a faint red shade, expressing her natural ability to blush easily. She tries to hide in her hair, becoming shy.

"Not on those sausages." Carter says and not a second later, Hailey throws a wide pillow at him. I try to cover my mouth in order to stifle my laugh.

Wes enters and walks around the coffee table, over to where I'm sitting. He grabs both of my legs with one of his hands while holding a mug with his other. I raise an eyebrow as he places himself on the couch, letting my bare legs fall into his lap. My eyes carefully scan the room and just as I thought, our friends are not too oblivious to this action. Both Hailey and Jessica stopped what they were doing for a second and Ellie is undoubtedly raising her own eyebrows. Carter has his phone between his fingers but I can the his pupils move to the corners of his eyes. All of that happens in just a millisecond, but I notice it, and it makes me nervous.

"Are you feeling better, um, Katie?" Ellie fixes her face and leans forward. Wes scoffs loudly, covering his mouth with his hand.

"Katie." He mutters. I nudge him and try to get my feet away from his lap but he places his hand on my legs and tightens the grip.

"Call me Kat. And I'm good. Better. Thanks." I smile at the blonde. She seems distracted for a moment but smiles back.

"Did the alcohol not sit well or something? Because you looked pretty bad." She wonders and I nod my head.

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