19 My girl

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Carter's beach trip was intriguing and after some time of thinking I decided to tell them that we should go. They were all excited but they had one condition only, that I should plan it.

"And after we eat we can head home. Does that sound good?" I look up from my phone and see Sarah nodding, but my cousin doesn't look too happy. I've told them my little plan from start to bottom, but I'm still working out the details. They're all practically going because of me, so I don't want them to feel bored.

"I don't like the fact that I won't be able to shower. Or what if I'm too tired and I don't feel like driving back?" Hailey says, her voice full of concern.

"You have showers on the beach and the tiredness, well -"

"Someone else could drive?" Luke raises an eyebrow as if that's the obvious solution.

"I doubt any of them would want to drive two hours." Hailey points to us girls and we sheepishly smile. She is the best driver and probably the only one who actually likes to drive, amongst us girls of course, boys are going in their own car.

"You could sleep on the beach?" Luke suggests, but his girlfriend sends him a look.

"I want to have fun on the beach, not think about whether I'm tired or not." Hailey says.

"Maybe we could, sleep the night?"

My cousin's eyes lit up at my suggestion. It's the first thing that I could think of and now that I see her reaction, I am glad I thought of that.

"Yes! At that small hotel we stayed in last summer. Remember, babe?" She looks at the blonde boy beside her and he nods.

"Yeah, that'd be smart. It's not expensive and it's nice enough for one night." He says.

"Are you okay with that?" I look at Sarah and Jessica, who are still eating crackers that I bought. They both nod ecstatically and I smile proudly.

"Okay, what's the name?" I ask and Luke and Hailey tell me. I search it up on the internet and check if there are any rooms available.

"Two rooms for two, two for one, two for three and one for four people." I scan the small words underneath the picture of the hotel. It seems decent, but it doesn't even matter since we are staying only one night.

"Dylan and Dave are going, too." Luke points out.

"I almost forgot about them, good thing you mentioned." I say.

"So Luke and I, Mel and Jess take the doubles, you and Sarah get each one for yourselves and the boys get the one for four." Hailey exclaims. I catch Sarah's eyes and I know she's thinking of Carter and how to be closer to him so my mind races with options.

"How about you couples take those for two, Sarah and I stay with Carter in the one for three and the other three boys take one as well so neither of us is seperated in their own room." I suggest and I see the small smile Sarah sends me before covering her mouth subtly.

"Sure. C won't mind." Luke shrugs and I try not to look to happy with the decision. With one click I book the rooms and set my phone down.

"Hold on." Luke says and takes out his own phone. I hear him dialing a number before he sets it on the table and presses the speaker. I read the screen that says C, which must be Carter. It rings a couple times before he picks up the phone.

"'Sup?" His voice echoes through the room as he answers.

"Are you with the guys?" Luke asks, leaning back in his chair with his hand behind Hailey's back.

"Yeah." He says and pauses for a second. "I don't know where Blue is, though."

I try not to cringe at the mention of that boy and keep my eyes focused on the phone's screen.

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