35 Family

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What could possibly be the one emotion you feel in a moment like this? The thing is, there is not one emotion, but thousands, millions of emotions that you feel when somebody gives you the news of something you've been waiting to hear for so incredibly long. It's so hard knowing that the possibility of something like this happening was not high and there was a big chance that it would never happen, so what do you feel when you actually receive an information so positive?

My mind could only process one thing in that moment and that was shock. And after shock followed happiness and sadness and then after all, longing. Longing to be there with my family and to be there with my mother who has just woken up from a coma she was in.

A sob escapes my lips, waking up Hailey who is laying beside me. Her panicked expression forces her to sit up quickly and she grabs my face in her palms.

"Katherine, honey, listen to me." My dad says on the other line in the same time that Hailey reises her eyebrows, wondering what's going on.

"I am, dad, I'm listening." I say and Hailey slowly releases me, placing her hands on my unoccupied arm.

"I know you would like to come here -"

"Yes." I exclaim, my voice sounding rushed. I wipe away my tears and dab on my cheeks just as my hair blurs my vision. "Yes, I'm coming."

"Alright. But I want you to stay calm, Katherine. We all need to be calm and have patience." My dad says and I nod, even though he can't see me.

"I know, I know." My head starts hurting and I rub my temples. "What do the doctors say? How is she? Is she healthy?"

"She is, yes. I still didn't talk to her doctor but we're on our way to the hospital and he said he would come. Doctor Ambrey, you know her supervisor, she said everything is functioning properly." My dad answers my questions. "For now at least."

"And her? Did you talk to her?" I start tapping my fingers along my own thighs.

"I did." He answers and I keep my breath in anticipation. "She's just lost a little bit. I couldn't stay for long."

"Did she say anything?" I continue asking. I must be boring but I honestly don't care. It would be a lot easier if I was there with them but since I'm not, I have to make up for it.

"Not much." My dad sighs. I assume he's too vulnerable to talk about that over the phone so I decide to change the topic.

"Where's Jas? How is he?" I ask as my thoughts are clouded with my brother. The thought of him makes me ache for home. I wish I could be next to him right now.

"Confused." My dad says and shuffles around on the line. "He's still trying to figure out how to act."

"Yeah, so am I." I mention, just now realizing how badly I'm shaking.

"I'll get the tickets immediately. I'll call you back." I tell my father hurriedly. "And dad, get some sleep. You sound restless."

"I know, honey. But when it comes to your mother, I'd rather not sleep than be away from her." My dad says and I smile at his love for my mom.

He says goodbye before hanging up the call. I stare at the phone for a moment, processing my own thoughts until I remember the presence next to me. My eyes lift up to meet my cousin's and a huge smile erupts on my face as I throw my hands around her neck.

"She's awake! She's awake, Hailey!" I squeal, releasing both laughs and tears. "My mom is awake!"

Not even a second later Hailey tightly hugs me back and I feel her body tense with happiness. Not long after that she drops her head on my shoulder and I feel the wetness of her own tears on my skin.

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