41 Cake

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When it comes to dressing up, I'm not really someone who will try their hardest. I think I am more blessed with a fit body so that whatever I put on would look good on me. But I don't actually own anything that could be called dressy or fancy, which is why, when deciding what to wear to Wes's party, I come to face a problem where I don't know what to wear. So like the smart girl that I am, I allow my best friend to rummage through my closet and play with my clothes. And when she figures it out I practically have an attack.

Alex is holding my red jumpsuit that I have had for almost two years, sitting in my closet and collecting dust. I bought it for my aunt's wedding but then I never ended up wearing it because I realized it's a little too much for the wedding itself.

The jumpsuit has no sleeves and it is completely tight except the legs and each of them has a slit on the side so you can guess why I didn't want to wear it to the wedding. I think it fits me amazing but honestly when I wear it I feel like it's a little bit too much.

"No, Alex." I say but she only shakes her head and throws the jumpsuit at me, forcing me to catch it in my hands.

"You'll look like a goddess in that." She urges and I just examine the soft material.

"But I don't- " I stop mid sentence. "I can't wear my sneakers on that."

"Exactly." Alex smirks, crouching down to the bottom of my closet, where I rarely dig through.

"What? No. Hell no." I shake my finger. Alex chuckles, her back to me, until she turns around, holding my black heels in her hand.

"Why would I wear that? It's Wes we're talking about." I scoff. I don't see the point in getting ready for this party if we're not gonna stay long.

"Who cares about Wes?" Alex places the heels beside me and I scoot away from them. "You're gonna catch someone else."


"I don't know who. But you're gonna catch someone." Alex tells me and pushes her own dress over her head. She chose a white skin tight dress that's going down to her ankles. She has great body proportions and a flat stomach, which is why these kind of dresses fit her best.

"Are you driving?" I ask her and she nods, pinning her hair up in a bun.

"You know what to text me if you're not leaving with me." She winks at me and I roll my eyes. As if I will actually leave with someone else.

"Now put that on and don't you dare say another word because I will hit you." My best friend warns me in a angry tone and I just laugh at her, looping my legs through the holes of the jumpsuit.

Unfortunately, with this kind of a jumpsuit, nothing but heels would fit, so I form a string of curses as I tighten the strap of my heel around my ankle.

Thirty minutes later we arrive at Wes's house. His house is no different than the others and it is a regular sized house but the only difference is his large living room and the wide backyard. That is why Wes has been throwing parties for the past couple years and he's quite famous for it. People enjoy his living room in which he places the DJ station and the dance floor and his backyard is incredible for people who want to hide in the dark and make out, or throw up.

When we arrive the party is already in its full mood and I immediately spot all of my college friends outside, walking around, having fun and talking and definitely drinking considering their stumbling. As I approach the house, some of them wave at me and hug me and I just fake a smile throughout the whole thing, pretending that I like them when in fact they all get on my nerves. Some of the people I actually do like and I have a small chat with them until Alex pulls me inside the house where the situation is even worse.

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