13 "Girls" night

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The one thing I've never done in my life is a girls night. Alex and I are usually surrounded by many people, but we never had a certain group of friends, mostly because we find the girls there annoying. So now that I'm sitting in this circle with my cousin, Jessica and Sarah, it feels weird and I have a feeling that many information will be spilled tonight.

"I got candy, snacks and pizza. I couldn't wait to sit down and feel like a woman again." Hailey says as she crosses her legs and grabs a bowl of popcorn.

"I can't wait to tell you this." Jessica spreads her arms and I raise my eyebrows, sensing the gossip.

"Oh, yeah, Dave's girl, spill." Sarah positions herself so that she's comfortable and looks at Jessica in anticipation.

"So Mark told me that she started flirting with Dave and was really going for it, but you know Dave and how shy he gets when somebody gets close to him. So he was like, this has to go slow. But as soon as they hooked up, she literally starts ignoring him. And the poor guy had no idea what to do, he was so confused." She says and I can see the sympathy on her face as she speaks. "And then the dumbass idiot that Dylan is, he brings her over and pretends like he's gonna bang her. And no wonder, Dave is not speaking to him right now. I mean, he was joking, but come on, you don't have to be such a douche."

"She's a bitch. I told Dave that, but he didn't beileve me." Sarah grabs a slice of pizza.

"I don't know what's more worrying, Dave's state of mind or Dylan's way of joking around." Hailey says.

"It's awful. I wanted to hug him yesterday, but Mel told me it's better not to mention it." Jessica states.

"The sad thing is, that happened to me way too many times." My cousin mentiones.

"Same." Jessica agrees with her.

"I just wish people would be straightforward about what they want. It's not really a joke to fuck around with others." Sarah says. I don't know much about her, but it seems like she's a fair and understanding person. I can tell why Carter wants her back, and why he was with her in fhe first place.

"Yeah." Hailey stalls. "But I can tell you, when you know what you want, a one time, it's not that easy to get a good guy."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, before I met Luke, I was like that girl pretty much. I wanted fun and nothing more. And in those moments, you really don't care about other's feelings, as bad as it sounds." She replies, looking partly ashamed. I remember her period, and every story she would provide me with at that time.

"Kat was always against it." She looks at me and smiles. "She never forced me to stop, but I remember her constant words, 'that was a bad idea', 'do you know how he's feeling now', 'imagine if someone did that to you'. Eventually I stopped, focused on myself and my dreams. That's how I got into Arts School and found out about the camp. And that's how I met Luke, the person whose feelings I actually respected."

I smile brightly at my cousin, who is now burning red, but the happiness in her eyes is evident and undeniable.

"Lucky ass." Jessica chuckles. "I wish everyone could be as lucky as you."

"But the whole point is to have patience. You only get this kind of love once, and to everyone, it comes at a different time in life. Don't worry, Jess, it'll come." Hailey pats her friend, who doesn't really look convinced.

"Sure, yeah. When I become Angelina Jolie."

Sarah giggles at her and clears her throat, as if wanting to say something.

"Kat, you're single?" She asks me and I turn my head to face her. I didn't expect a question to be aimed at me.

"Yeah." I answer simply.

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