15 More secrets

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As I woke up the sunshine shone right in my face. I was so frustrated with the fact that I couldn't sleep for longer but then I look to the side and realise one thing and one thing only, there is somebody next to me.

I actually start remembering everything that happened last night even though I was not drunk or hangover or on any drugs whatsoever. My eyes go wide and my head instantly starts to hurt. Just as I run my hand over my face, I get startled when bangs start coning from the door.

"Open up, dude." I hear Mel's voice through the wooden door. You have got to be kidding me.

"Wha -"

I jump over Wes and hurriedly place my hand over his mouth. His eyebrows raise as I stare back at him, feeling both anger and panic.

"When did you lock the door?" I whisper so quietly I wonder if he would hear me, but when I release my hand he smirks, which proves he has in fact heard my question.

"It's a good thing I did, right?" He whispers back.

"Wes, come on!" The banging continues and I know Mel's patience is becoming shorter. I glare at the boy in the bed who is staring back at the door, probably thinking of a way out of this, just like me.

"Stay here." I point a finger at him and he nods. I get up and move to the door in a slow pace.

"Katherine, um, not that I mind." Wes whispers from where he's laying. "But you're naked."

I glance down at myself and mentally scream. I grab my shirt and my shorts from the floor, making sure to throw my panties and my bra in the closet. I don't have the time to put them on right now. Plus, I don't even need a bra because my boobs are lifted and unfortunately, not that big.

After taking a long breath, I open the door to reveal an annoyed Mel leaning on the door frame.

"Why the fuck were the door locked? And why were you sleeping in there? You could've taken my room or Carter's?" He asks, a completely confused expression on his face. But I'm more than glad he didn't assume anything more.

"I don't know, Wes was too drunk and he kept unlocking and locking the door." I lie, trying to explain. "And I actually fell asleep while trying to make him go to sleep."

"The dumbass." Mel mutters and moves past me to the side of the bed where Wes is laying. He seems to have beileved my lie, and it makes me feel ten times lighter. He slaps Wes on the head and I watch in satisfaction as he pulls the warm blankets away from him.

"Get up, man. We have a problem." Mel says.

"What?" Wes mutters from the bed, placing his hand behind his neck.

"Carter went with Abraham. Can you please just get the fuck out?"

"Yeah, but you need to go out, because I'm not dressed." Wes points to the door and Mel raises an eyebrow.

"You're naked?" Mel asks in a confused tone, his head turning to me. I grit my teeth, realizing I completely forgot about that.

"I was hot." Wes explains, his eyes flickering to mine.

"Fine." Mel rolls his eyes and walks towards me, where I'm standing by the door. He nods for me to follow and I spin around, but not before catching Wes's infamous smirk.

I go out with Mel, who continues towards the kitchen. I sit on the stool and sigh, my head resting in my palm.

"Would you like some coffee with that lie?" Mel asks, fumbling around with the dishes. My head snaps to him and I see him form a sly smile before turning his back to me again.

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