10 Hide and Seek

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Avoiding a person is usually portrayed as hard, but so far I've had no problem avoiding the half brother Damon. As Carter told me, he usually hangs out with his group of friends on the very top of the building, the roof, where the elder ones are. They occasionally come down to the pool, but that's their only route.

And so far, our routes haven't crossed.

"Because, I actually wanted to transfer, but my parents don't really want me to go." Sarah says in between the breaths she takes as she runs on the treadmill beside me.

"The baby of the family." I say and smile at her, while she just shakes her head.

"It's so annoying sometimes." She concludes and pushes the stop button, making the track slow down until it's completely still.

"I've really tried understanding why they're not treating me like my sisters, but I just can't see the point." She grabs a towel and plops down on the floor, spreading her legs in front of her.

I stop running and sit down beside her, taking my water bottle in my hand. The feeling of cold liquid is so satisfying after a workout session.

"Because they've realised how fast their oldest daughters grew up and now they miss that time. So they're keeping you by thinking you're going to stay young, a teenager." I tell her, screwing the lid back on top of the bottle.

"But I'm not a teenager anymore. Being twenty finally makes me feel mature. Why can't they see that?" She whines and I pat her back.

"Relax." I chuckle. "Trust me, you're gonna thank them one day because you will miss this period once you get to your thirties."

"Real talk by Katherine." I look up to see Carter  smirking down at us. He offers a hand to Sarah and she takes it. He pulls her petite body up and extends his hand towards me.

Just as I'm about to take his hand, someone grabs me from behind and under my shoulders, pulling me up entirely.

"Shit talk by Katherine." I hear Wes's voice as he releases me and I spin around, my eyes rolling dramatically.

"How long did it take you to come up with that?" I say bluntly.

His face just stays emotionless, not even caring about my comment.

"How about she stays right here?" He turns to Carter, who shakes his head.

"No way." Carter says, being completely serious. "Kat, my brother is coming down here."

Is someone joking with me?

"No, why?" I cry, already getting frustrated. I've managed an entire day without that douchebag so my nerves are fine, they don't need to be tormented.

"Just leave through the back door. Hopefully he won't see you."

"What a movie." Sarah jokes, fixing her ponytail.

"Too late." Wes mutters and before I can ask what he's saying, he grabs my waist and pushes me behind a corner, both Carter and him standing beside it. I almost laugh at this ridiculous situation, feeling like I'm in a literal movie, like Sarah said. Speaking of her, I catch her eye and see she's trying hard to hold her laugh back.

"What's up, bro?" I hear Damon's voice a little bit further away. There are more footsteps approaching so I assume his friends are with him.

"Did you guys start already?" An unknown voice says, I suppose one of Damon's friends.

"Uh, no. We just got here." Wes answers, placing his hands in the pockets of his shorts.

"I have a whole new workout plan, you have to check it out." The unknown voice speaks again.

"Alright, then. Let's start." Damon says and I hear a hand clap. I see Carter face Wes, his face full of questions. They exchange a glance until Damon speaks up again. "Let me just change my shoes."

I hear shuffling and wonder if they're ever gonna move away from where we're standing. That's when Wes turns to me and flashes me a smile, a literal smile. I rarely see these from him, since I never encourage them.

"I gotta go get something from the back." He says to the boys and suddenly turns around and walks past me, catching my wrist at the same time. I almost shriek from how harsh he pulls me, but I decide not to scold him right now.

"What are you doing? There's no way out from here." I whisper yell, still trying to follow his pace. This boy is mad, I swear. We turn a few corners, completely unknown to me.

"Yeah, like you would know." He spats quietly, not even turning around. He turns into a room which looks like an unused changing room, with lockers being almost broken. It's not decorated at all, the tiles having brown spots all over them. He opens a large grey door at the end of the room with a little force and moves to the side so I can pass through, I guess. He keeps his hand on the door, above my head, and raises an eyebrow when I keep still, not making a step.

"I didn't think you'd go to this extreme to murder me." I start, an actual fear washing over me. How couldn't I be suspicious of him, seeing that room we've passed. "I mean, I know we don't like each other and I can be a bitch, but come on. This is too much. I got a life to live, dude."

He doesn't say anything, but instead, a smile creeps onto his lips, his expression definitely unreadable to me. Can he stop smiling and what not because it's scaring me. After a second he drops his hand and when I think the door is going to hit me, he makes a step closer to me and leans his entire body on the door so it doesn't move. He hovers over me, his hands finding their way into his pockets. I get a flash from the last night's party and clench my fists in order to calm myself down.

"Stop talking shit." He says, his blue eyes piercing into mine. In that moment, I really wish he didn't have them, because my girly hormones are not fine at all. "You gotta watch that mouth of yours."

"I know what my mouth does." I say, completely unaware that that statement makes him change his entire facial expression, his smirk completely vanishing and his look hardening.

Sometimes in life, you barely notice what you're saying, especially if you're me, someone who speaks before she thinks. I rarely think about the situations, the circumstances I'm in, and specifically, who I'm talking to.

"Yeah. I'd like to know too." Wes mutters, staring blankly at me before turning around on his heel and continuing to walk forward.

I, on the other hand, stay in utter shock and no freaking words could describe that shock that went through my body and is now hitting at my head, almost making me forget how I got here in the first place, and with who.

With extremely careful movements, and absolutely no sound, I continue after him, walking a long hall before coming to a halt, where a door on the right is visible, and I hear water splashes from behind it.

Wes hesitantly spins around, avoiding eye contact with me. I don't know what the hell has gotten into him, but I'm also afraid to find out.

"You know the way from the pool." He says, confirming my thoughts that this is the way to the pool.

"Uh, thanks?"

He scoffs, crossing his hands over his chest. I'd say I'm not nervous, but I actually am. There's a weird tension between us and it's never been this way. I almost flinch when I see him starting to walk past me. I stay still, only my eyes moving to follow his movement. The long awaited breath escapes my lips as I hear his foot die down in the background.

And to calm myself to the fullest, I grab the door handle to reveal the bright sun.

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