34 Shock and Show

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"It's- Uh, it's negative." Sarah awkwardly scrathes her head and looks at the three of us. We're all sitting in her room, our eyes blazing at hers. She waited for two days to take the test and I think we were all losing our minds while waiting.

"What?" Hailey stands up and grabs the test from Sarah's shaking hands. I look between her and my cousin, furrowing my brows as I do so.

"It was a false alarm." Sarah says, barely believing her own words. Her pupils are wide and she slowly paces around the room, her hands on her hips.

"I'm not pregnant." She stops and turns to face us, an unreadable expression on her face. "I'm really not pregnant. I can actually stop worrying and overthinking what I have to do and how I have to do it because -"

"Sarah." Hailey's voice breaks her speech and we look over to my cousin who is holding the test between her fingers, squinting her eyes at it.

"You don't have your glasses on. You are pregnant." She mutters in a steady voice, carefully looking at Sarah as if her words might break her.

And that's exactly what happens.

"Oh my God." Sarah falls on her knees on the floor and Jessica and I rush over to her, each supporting one of her hands. She's been shaking this entire time but now her movements are uncontrollable. Tears start streaming down her face and she erupts in fits of sobs. We kneel beside her and I hold her palms tightly as if she will escape from me. Her grip is even tighter and she leans into Jessica's chest, her head falling on her lap. Jessica shoots me a pained expression and that's when I see a tear escaping her eye.

Hailey places the test on the side and joins us on the floor, comforting our girl. I gently stroke her hair while my cousin does the same with her back, soothing her in the best way possible.

I know all of us want to say something, tell her it's gonna be alright, but seeing her this way, it's impossible to utter a single word. Ever since I got here Sarah has been so generous, so upbeat and this moment I'm seeing her in breaks my heart.

The door creaks open and Ellie's blonde hair comes in vision. I press my lips in a tight line and focus on Sarah, whose muffled cries still echo through the room. Ellie examines the situation carefully, catching a glimpse of the pregnancy test on the shelf and a look of concern passes her face before she lowers herself down to our level. She places her hand on Sarah's shoulder without muttering a word as her own face frowns.

Sarah eventually stops crying, only letting out a few sniffs every now and then. After a couple minutes she slowly raises her head, moving her hair away from her face.

"I'm- I'm fine." She lifts herself to a sitting positiong and brings her knees to her chest, resting her chin on them.

"No, honey, you're not." Hailey scoots closer to her, lightly pulling a hand through Sarah's hair. "And that's okay."

"I just- I don't know what to do." Sarah shrugs and dabs on her eyes, her voice barely audible.

"Sarah." Ellie scoots closer to her, making me have to back away a little bit. I scan her face as she brings her fingers under Sarah's chin, making her look up to her. "You know we're all here for you. We will help you with anything, no matter how distanced we are."

"Oh, Ellie." Sarah sniffs, her head lowering down. "How did you manage through this?"

My eyes sightly widen as Sarah asks this question. Ellie uncomfortably shifts her position and looks over to me for a second, her face troubled. She lifts her hand to put her blonde hair behind her ear as her eyes switch between two spots before looking back at Sarah.

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