26 Minions

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Wes grabs my ass and pulls me as close as he can, so I am able to feel how hard he's getting by each second. He squeezes it harshly and slips his tongue between my teeth. I form a circle around his neck and wrap my fingers in his hair. He moves his own fingers to the band of my shorts and pulls them through.

"Wes!" Mel's voice interrupts us, echoing through the apartment.

Wes's hands stop moving on my body and he shuts his eyes close.

"Fucking asshole." He mumbles and I can't help but giggle as I shuffle out of his bed. He doesn't release me easily so I have to struggle to get out of his grip. I only hope Carter isn't there to see me here. It would be hard to explain. I fix my shirt so it doesn't look like it was about to be taken off before grabbing the door handle.

"We'll finish this later." Wes lowers his voice and slaps my ass. I throw him a glare before exiting the room, where Mel is casually lounging on the couch. His smirk grows wide when he sees me and I'm already hearing his comments in my mind.

"Is this a regular thing now?" He moves his finger between me and Wes, who is walking behind me. Neither of us answers as I sit next to him and Wes moves over to the kitchen.

"Man, that must be some aggressive sex." He says and I instantly hit his shoulder. He laughs harder and I see Wes rolling his eyes from where he's standing.

"You hit hard. I can only imagine how -"

"Shut the fuck up, Mel." Wes growls and Mel chuckles once again, finding the situation amusing. I only stare at him but I can't help the grin forming on my lips. It's not the jokes that he makes, no, those are awful, but I'm seeing this different side to him and it makes me happy knowing that he's more relaxed now.

"The girls were looking for you." Mel tells me before taking his glass full of water.

"Why?" I ask, although it's a dumb question. They have no idea where I am and I haven't told them anything.

"I suppose to get ready for Peeta's birthday." He says unsurely.

"So that is today? But I don't even know him." I say.

"Like that matters." Mel drops the glass back on the coffee table. He shrugs as he continues to speak. "There will be like ten people who know him. Others will just come to party."

"Come where? Isn't it at the house?" I ask. I'm glad not knowing him is not a big deal. I always worry if I'm a bother to some people around here.

"Oh, no it's not. I forgot you don't know the place. There's this small venue down the road. Well, it's not close. Close to Falls." He says and I try to pinpoint where it could be. "It's not a club but it's -"

He stops and realises he doesn't know how to explain it. It's noticable by the way he was trying to gesture with his hands.

"It's like a wedding venue. But much smaller." Wes starts as he walks over to the couch. He sits down beside me, placing his hands behind his head. "It's good but it's hella expensive. Only Peeta would be dumb enough to rent it."

"But the parties there are always good." Mel joins in. "Because you can't have just anyone inside so it feel more private."

"Private? Didn't you say only ten people -"

"He was trying to explain, Katherine." Wes slightly groans.

"He was trying to explain." I mock him, shaking my head violently. He glares at me and I giggle, clearly finding myself funny.

"Yeah, laugh at it, nobody else is." He mutters and furrows his eyebrows at me. I see his eyes travel down my bare legs before he quickly returns them to my eyes.

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