36 Need

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I slept through the entire day after returning from the hospital. We stayed with mom for too long, so long that the nurses kindly asked us to leave. Poor women were trying to do their job and we were in the way. But they understood, and weren't rude when they guided us out of the room.

I missed my bed in my room, all the lights around it from when I thought that decoration was cool. But clearly one person made sure I didn't stay in it the next day as well.

"Get up! Now!" The commanding voice stirs me from my sleep as a hit in my face makes me shoot up from my laying position.

"What the -" I rub on my eyes, ready to scold whoever has woken me up. When my vision becomes less blurry, I blink and the face of my best friend comes in view, her red hair hovering over me.

"Yeah, you better wake up. Your dad said you've slept through yesterday." She scoffs at me, hitting me with the white pillow once again. I take it from her and throw it on the floor, my eyebrows furrowing.

"Jetlag." I say but she rolls her eyes.

"What was it? Twelve hours? God forbid you call your best friend and inform her about your arrival." Alex instantly starts her ranting and I just lean on the headboard of my bed, patiently waiting for her to finish.

"I thought your plane crashed! Crashed! Thank God for Jasper, who instantly replies to texts since that boy is always on his phone. If he didn't tell me you're okay and safe, I would've freaked out!" She exclaims and lets out a breath of exasperation. She plops down on my bed and I stare at her for a second.

"You done?" I raise my eyebrow and she glares at me before nodding.

"You're an ass of a best friend." She says but after a moment jumps to hug me. I just laugh out loud and hug her tightly. I have definitely missed her a lot and I'm honestly not surprised she barged into my house and my room like this.

"Get ready for an Alex and Kat day because I'm hungry, angry and in need for fun." She mumbles through our hug and I chuckle.

"Why are you angry?" I ask. Her head snaps up at me, her eyes narrowing at me.

"You ask me why I'm angry." She says. "I'd like to know how in the world you go to a luxurious house miles away from here and the devil boy manages to cross paths with you."


"How annoying was he? Because you know I don't mind punching him. I know you'd do that too, but right now I feel like kicking some ass." My best friend tells me and the thing is, I know she means it. But her reaction only makes me quieter and my only thoughts revolve around the fact that she has zero idea about what really happened. And I honestly don't want to see her rage if she finds out.

"We fought. But I tried to ignore him most of the time. I didn't want my summer to be ruined by him." I say, trying to sound as beilevable as possible.

"I want to know everything."

Haha. Sure.

The Alex and Kat day is something Alex and I would do whenever we would be apart for a longer time. I always enjoy those, simply because Alex herself has the same interests as me. We might be different when it comes to our personalities, her being more impatient, bold and more aggressive. I'm all those things, but she's basically me times ten. But our tastes are the same and so are our admirations. That's why our day begins with the gym and ends with watching Pretty Little Liars in my room. We made sure to have a very productive day, reading books and joking around in the library while finding new ones. I watched Alex as she trained boxing and also tried some new moves. I wouldn't have such a strong punch if it wasn't for my best friend. And lastly we went to visit my mom again. Alex cried and it felt so weird to comfort her, since she usually isn't the one to become sensitive.

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