23 The trip - Purple

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As I sit in the car, I cannot wait to get to my room and my bed. It's not that I'm tired, I'm just fiddling and shifting in my seat because my nerves are constantly working. I want to tell myself it's not because of the blue eyed boy sitting beside me. He's been on my mind the last hour and that's what's making me angsty.

My glare moves from the window to my right, to the front and subtly, carefully, to my left. He's leaning back, his body fully relaxed. I can see the shadow making his jawline more expressed. His eyes are focused on the road until he blinks and locks his with mine. I want to look away, I really do, but my mind isn't set on that. The way he looks at me captivates me and my mind is suddenly blank.

The drive is calm, only soft music from Carter's radio is heard, yet I feel like every muscle in my body is working.

Wes slowly leans forward, losing my eye contact for a second, until his arm snakes behind my back and he grabs my waist. I bite my lips, the heat in my body immediately responding to the touch. I try to concentrate on sitting straight, not looking suspicious while his fingers graze along the material of my dress.

The car stops and Wes's hands dissapear from me. I open the door and step out out, getting a brief glance from him.

"I shouldn't have drove." Carter says to Mel, who is walking beside him.

"I told you. At least we got here safe." Mel says.

"You drank?" I ask Carter and he nods, turning to me just to hear my question before he continues to walk ahead.

"Don't do that. That's a really bad idea." I tell him and he shakes his head.

"I know, but since they left I practically had to." He tells me just as the sliding doors open and we enter the lobby of our hotel.

"Katherine." Wes grabs my wrist, stopping me before we all reach the elevator. He glances up towards the boys who are standing in front of it, watching as the numbers on the screen turn smaller. "Timmy wanted to hear from you."

He takes out his phone and slides it into my hand, his gaze still fixated on the three boys behind me. I shrug and unlock his phone. Then I quickly look up at him in panic because he isn't supposed to know that I know his password. Don't ask me how I found out, it's a long story. Relief washes over me when I see he's still looking at the guys.

I go to contacts and search up 'Sophie', but nothing comes up and then look up 'Timmy', which is when his sisters' contact shows up. I press it and place the phone on my ear, shifting my weight to one of my legs. A small ding sound is heard when the elevator arrives and I hear the boys get inside. Wes looks down at me in that moment and his eyes widen, his hands immediately flying to grab the phone from my ear.

"What are you doing?" He says in a rush, quickly hanging up the call by pressing the red button. I just raise an eyebrow at him, kind of confused.

"Um, calling Sophie?" I say in a 'duh' tone but he only looks up at me with a straight face.

"Why the hell would she wanna talk to you?" He asks and I stay dumbfounded.

"But you said -"

"God, you're stupid." He groans slightly.

"Excuse me?"

He pushes his phone back in his pocket and crosses his arms. His smirk appears as he watches me, a mischievous expression taking over his face.

"I thought you were better at this stuff." He says. I move aside as some teenagers walk outside.

"What stuff?" I ask and move my hair away from my face. I can't wait to put it in a bun, it's been stressing me out all night.

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