12 Silver

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This is a chapter I've been waiting for so long to write so I really hope you guys like it.

I grip the seat tighter as I feel the car speed up, the sound of its engine running through my ears. The two boys in the front seat seem more than happy as they laugh and occasionally look to their right, where the dark blue car is trying to pass us.

"Go, go, he won't be able to reach it." Carter ushers, his eyes gleaming in excitement. He looks like a little kid, bouncing up and down.

"Is this necessary?" Sarah groans beside me and I'm glad she has the same opinion as me. There is no reason for us to race this unknown person.

I look through the front window and see that we're approaching a green light, but just as we pass it, it starts turning yellow. I spin around and notice that the blue car was forced to stop at the red light, which is when two loud cheers are heard from the front.

"Good job, man." Carter raises his hand and Wes high fives him back, his hands returning to the steering wheel. The car slows down and I relax, my eyes fluttering.

I knew it would be a mistake getting into this car, but I was basically forced by Carter to cone with them. Apparently, we're going shopping, for Wes's suit. The reason for my attendance is my friendship with his sister. Sarah is going as a stylist and Carter is there to give an advice as a male. I was promised a meal and a dessert, so I couldn't say no. Besides, I was bored.

The shopping mall that we parked next to is really big and I get somewhat excited when we enter. The crowd inside makes me want to roam through the stores and I pull a big smile on my face.

The guys lead us into the first store and we're instructed to grab a suit we like and bring it to Carter, who will then approve or disapprove before it gets to Wes.

"What's his sister like?" Sarah asks me, her eyes scanning the various materials hanged neatly.

"Perky. She is the complete opposite of Wes. I personally think she doesn't care what he wears, as long as he shows up in a suit." I answer, gliding my hand over the suits.

"Then it'll be easy." She smiles and grabs a few items. I'm almost shocked at how quickly she is able to choose, but follow her to where Carter and Wes are looking at ties.

"What about this one?" Wes grabs one and places it under his neck. It's green and ugly and I make a disguisted face, shaking my head.

"That is awful. I thought your style is better." I comment, approaching the display of the ties. The range of the colors is huge so I beileve this won't be a long shopping day.

"Well, I don't know. Have you ever seen me wearing a tie?" He makes a sarcastic statement and places the ugly tie back in its place.

"You'll worry about that later. Take these and try them on." Sarah tells him and places the suits in his hands.

Wes widens his eyes at the amount of items given to him.

"All of these?" He asks.

"Yes, go." She rushes him and he groans while entering.

After waiting for almost ten minutes, which is a pretty long time for someone to dress, Wes comes out in a light blue suit. I have to avert my eyes for a second before returning them back on him. He looks remarkably good, but the tone of that color doesn't match him well.

"No." Both Sarah and I agree.

"Try the darker one." Sarah instructs and he nods before entering the changing room again.

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