38 Snobby

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See, this is why I don't like that nickname.

"Katie, oh my Gosh!"

"Please trip, please trip." Alex mutters beside me, her fingers secretly crossed on her sides as we watch our friend run over to us. She's so damn clumsy and from this far I can see her stumbling over her own feet. Her squeals get closer until she jumps at me and starts hugging the life out of me.

"Hey, Cindy." I chuckle and hug her back.

"I missed you so much!" She squeals once again and smiles brightly when we pull away.

"You too." I smile at her. "How've you been?"

"Oh, just fabulous. Mom and dad just got back from their vacation so unfortunately, no more parties for me. You missed them all." She pouts as we start walking towards the park.

"I know." I say with the equal amount of sadness. "But there will be more next summer, like we don't have time."

"True. Except I have to go through school again." She groans.

Cindy is your typical rich girl. And I mean this in no offensive way, it's just a fact. She lives with her parents in this huge mansion and owns three cars herself. She's into drawing and she's an English major. Both Alex and I try to ignore how she can act like a snobby rich kid sometimes, because of all the people we know, she's the kindest of them all. And she never lies to us, which is what we respect a lot.

"But have you heard who's dating again? Tipsy and Ash." Cindy says, twirling her fingers arund her dark brown hair.

"Fantastic. The power couple." I scoff. Ash is an ex of mine, and Tipsy, or Tina as her closest know her, might just be my ex best friend. They started dating quickly after Ash and I stopped hooking up and it took me a while to realise they've actually fallen in love. It was a fast entrance in a relationship but there was something special between them. Maybe that was why he started meddling with her even while he was with me.

"Why did they even break up? Cheating or something?" Alex wonders, choosing a white bench all three of us sit on.

"Nope." Cindy looks around the green park, families walking and couples cuddling. "Actually, I'm wondering how you know nothing about it."

I play with my bracelet until I notice the silence and look up. Cindy's looking straight at me, still twirling her hair while Alex is raising a confused eyebrow. I look between them and raise my own eyebrows.

"What? Me?" I point at myself and Cindy scoffs.

"Yes, you, dummy." She laughs at me. "You were kinda the reason they broke up for a while."

"What?" Alex and I say in unison. I let go of my bracelet and twist my body so I'm facing Cindy.

"What do you mean?" I ask and she suddenly looks excited to share the gossip with us. She reminds me of Jessica and I suddenly start missing that blondie.

"When you nod your head ye -"

"Not not, Alex." Cindy says, placing a hand over my best friend's face. Then she turns to me and grins.

"Ash always had a thing for you. He was using her as a replacement when the truth was, he wanted to stay with you." She speaks, gaining my full attention. "He was looking at your pictures and she caught him. She got mad and that's when they broke up."

"Oh, shit." I say.

"He's in love with you." Cindy says and I just widen my eyes.

"No, he's not. We literally hooked up three times." I roll my eyes, remembering those times. It was quite some time ago, so I wonder why he'd be stuck on that.

"But he told everyone how he wants to be with you again."

"He was the one to say we're over. Why did he get with her then?" I shrug.

"Beats me. I deliver what I hear." Cindy concludes, her eyes skimming over the trees.

"Whatever. Like I care." I shrug once again and cross my legs underneath me. My phone rings and I fish it out of my pocket, instantly placing it to my ear.


"Hey, love." My cousin's voice booms through the speaker.

"Hey, Hails." I smile. Alex perks up and mouths for me to say 'hi' from her.

"How are you?" Hailey asks.

"I'm great, thanks for asking. Alex says hi." I reply.

"Oh, say hi to her. I miss that little psycho." My cousin chuckles and I follow after her. "Anyway, I'm calling to tell you I'm planning to come to New York. You okay with that?"

"Yeah, yeah. Of course." I quickly answer. "When?"

"In two days maybe. I'll call you when I land. I have to get home first to leave the car." She informs me and I nod to myself.

"Okay. I miss you guys." I say and I hear a distinct laugh in the background. I instantly notice it and my heart blows with happiness.

"Sugar! You'll never guess what I just did." I hear one of my favorite voices on the other line and smile.

"What?" I ask.

"I made fucking cookies! And I didn't burn a thing!"

I chuckle and shake my head.

"Good job, Carter. You'll be like me soon." I say but the scoff on the other line tells me he doesn't beileve me.

"Tough thing. Maybe in 40 years." He says and I laugh. There's some fumbling before my cousin's voice becomes audible again.

"One other thing." Haikey says and I can hear the hesitation in her voice. "I heard when Mel was talking to Wes on the phone. Have you seen him maybe?"

"Yes." I sigh, once again squeezing the chains on my bracelet. "He came over to my house. Started talking about how he cares about me."

"You know, if it wasn't him, I'd beileve it." She says.

"Same here."

"Anyway, say hi to Esme for me. I can't wait to see her again." Hailey mentions my mother. "I'll call you when I get on the plane."

"Alright. Bye, Hails." I say and she says goodbye before hanging up the call. I place my phone back in my pocket and look up at my two friends, Cindy wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"So, who's Carter?"


I'll be giving dedications and shoutouts for the most creative comment ;)

Love, M.

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