30 Anger

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Wes Blue

I lean back in my chair, the sound of Charlie Puth ringing through the kitchen. I don't even know who that guy is, all I know is that Katherine has been listening to his songs for the past week. I guess he's alright, except when he tries to go Ariana Grande by pulling out those high ass notes.

My eyes are barely open, as I'm still a little tired. But I can focus on the girl in front of the counters, swiftly moving around the kitchen with her back to me. I have no idea what she's making, but that's how it's been this week. Me and the others have been getting these delicious, amazing breakfasts every morning. She gets it from her mom. I remember when Soph and I would come as kids, her mom would always make something exquisite. And she would never tell us what she's making until she places the plates in front of us.

Now as I'm lounged in the bar stool, my coffee in my hand, I'm taken back to those younger days. And this time, the girl in front of me has the same talent with the kitchen that her mother has.

I tilt my head at her appearance. Her silk pajamas are loose on her hips, hanging by a string. I'm always surprised by how soft her skin looks, and is. Her hair has gotten so long and I've only noticed the other day, when she apparently straightened it. It constantly gets in her face and she always gets frustrated when she has to move it away. Just like now, she's pinning it behind her ear but failes miserably, as it instantly falls. She crouches down to retrieve something from the bottom counter and I can't help but shift in my spot, unable to keep my cool. I wish she was wearing my shirt, she would look damn hot in it.

I roll my eyes at my way of thinking. I shouldn't be thinking stuff like that. We agreed nobody can know about this and so far we've managed. The others did notice that we're not fighting (that much) anymore, but nothing else. This little deal that we have is so far the best thing I've ever done in my life. I don't regret leaving all those one night stands and hookups behind me. The biggest problem is, I can't control myself around her anymore. I find myself looking at her or wanting to bring her closer to me, even when we're surrounded by people, and all of that scares me.

"Hold this." Her voice stirs me from my thoughts as she hands me a small bowl. I shrug and grab it while she takes that thing you use to fill muffins or stuff. She squeezes the tasty looking chocolate out, focusing on not messing up. What is she making, a fucking cake?

"Thanks." She says when she's finished and tries to take the bowl away from me, but I hold my grip and instead place the bowl on the bar in front of me. She furrows her eyebrows but before she can say anything, I circle my hands around her waist and pull her on my lap. She places a hand on my shoulder and raises an eyebrow at me.

"They're about to come." She moves in my lap and looks over to the door, from where our friends are supposed to emerge any moment.

"Yeah. So am I if you continue fidgeting like that." I slap her thigh and she jumps a little, biting her lip.

"I have to finish the cupcakes." She tells me but I ignore that, leaning into her neck, where I grow dizzy from her amazing scent. I can feel her hands travelling across my biceps as I kiss her skin.

She places her fingers under my chin and lifts my head to meet her lips with mine. Her kisses are intoxicating, so slow yet deep and filled with lust. I place my hands on her ass and pull her closer, getting an immediate response from her. I groan as she moves her hips against me.

"Fuck. Do I have enough time?" I pull away from the kiss and murmur in her ear, making her eyes gleam mischievously.

But the sound of the lock on the door makes her jump away from my lap and I tighten my fists. She takes a quick breath and tries to straighten her disheveled hair.

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