20 Yellow

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"Alright, bye." Carter says one last time before closing the door of our apartment. He runs a hand through his hair as he walks back to where the rest of us are sitting. Damon and his friends finally left, after what feels like seven hours when it's only been two.

I haven't been out today at all and it feels so unnatural to me. I laid in bed until noon which is when Sarah woke me up to eat pizza. After that I organized the trip and then the boys came, starting a gossip party. If you thought girls were bad, try listening to them. They apparently know a lot of people, so they had a lot to say about them.

"Is there anywhere I can rent a bike here?" I ask no one in particular. I'm playing with the Rubik's cube that I tried solving earlier. I can barely figure out how to move each row, let alone create a full colour.

"Kat, you'll break it." Luke eyes me from the side, his eyes following my every move on his precious cube.

"I won't! I'm just twisting it." I try, but he shakes his head. I pull a row, trying to move it towards me but it gets stuck in place.

"Yeah, in the wrong directions." He mutters before leaning over to snatch it from my hands. I pout but he doesn't budge, focusing his attention on the colors.

"You can take the bikes of the house. They are in the basement, unless they are all taken." Carter answers my previously asked question. I look away from Luke and his cube and over to the boy standing in the middle of the room.

"And I can just take one? I don't have to pay?" I wonder.

"No, but you have to return it until midnight." He says and looks at his watch.

"Awesome." I smile brightly, already getting up.

"Where did this idea come from? You were never a fan of riding bikes." Hailey mentions, probably remembering all of my whining when she would force me to sit on one. It's not that I don't like cycling, I just easily get tired.

"I'm bored." I shrug and go into my room, grabbing my sneakers.

"And you'll go alone?" She asks as I walk out and fix my ponytail. I have my shorts on and a casual shirt on, so I shouldn't change. It's not like I'm gonna ride like a professional. I sit on the floor and start tying my shoelaces.

"I'll go too."

Wes stands from the sofa and takes his phone with him. Oh, no, he isn't. He wants to jump on my nerves and I won't allow it. I need some relaxing time and he's only going to ruin that.

"No, you won't." I spat.

"Did I ask you?" He raises an eyebrow and moves over to where our shoes are lined up.

"No, no way. Not happening, buddy." I shake my head and stand up from the floor.

"I don't think you can stop me." The annoying boy mutters and I growl, literally. He's trying to piss me off because I went against him.

"Calm down, you two." Jessica tells us but we don't pay her any mind.

"Wes actually needs to go." I hear Mel say and spin to face him. "He has to stop by the store to buy some things for our place."

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