27 Again

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Being bored is awful, exhausting and never ending. I thought this would be an amazing party but someone decided to steal my friends. You guessed it, Ellie. Up until an hour I was dancing with the three of them until the blonde girl rushed into our circle. I'm not supposed to feel mad, they know each other for quite some time, but I do feel left out. But I am mad now, now that I'm tipsy.

Once again Carter chose to entertain me. With drinks. He offered to play this game with me, a game of getting to know each other. The rules go like this, someone will ask a certain question   about themselves and then both people say the answers at the same time. If the person who was questioned says the wrong answer, they have to drink. And judging by the way this game was going, Carter knows me a lot better than I know him, because I am seeing two of him right now. Hailey must've talked about me a lot and I'm losing terribly.

"There's a difference between being vegan and being vegan." I mumble, pouring more liquid into my glass.

"You mean vegan and vegetarian?" Carter says, eyeing my glass warily. Probably because my hand is slightly tilting to the left.

"That's what I said." I confirm and he chuckles.

"And you're neither?"

"Exactly." I smile widely and grab the glass in my hands. The alcohol doesn't taste like it anymore and it flows down my throat easily.

"Next question." I mumble, but a presence stops me before I can say anything.

"You're gonna get her drunk." A girl's voice enters our conversation and I look up to see Sarah smirking at me. Carter looks over to her and grabs her hands, pulling her down in his lap.

"I thought you guys were keeping it a secret." I smile and raise my eyebrow.

"We're not. We're just not telling people around." Carter says, pushing his girlfriend's hair away. His girlfriend, aw.

"You're cute." I bop their noses and Sarah laughs while Carter shrinks his nose. I clap my hands playfully, probably looking like a small child.

"Let's dance, Kat." Sarah tells me and nods her head to the dance floor, where people are wiggling their electric bodies. Electric.

"Yes, I do." I answer absentmindedly and they both giggle at me. I am funny tonight, clearly. I stand up and suddenly feel like I'm falling and the ground beneath me disappears. I widen my eyes and try to catch the first thing in my view, the nearby chair, but I miss it.

"Wooah." Carter grabs my hands and I swat him away.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." I say and the look on his face tells me he didn't beileve me. I straighten up and make my way towards the middle of this huge room, feeling Sarah's hand on mine.

We dance to the music, which is by far the worst I've heard since I've been here. The songs are all mushed up in my brain and although I find the beats familiar, I can't put exactly which song is playing. My body feels ten times lighter and every move I make feels like I'm dancing for myself. My hands move around my own skin and I know that despite being dizzy, my hips are moving just how they're supposed to. I don't know who the DJ is, but he should make the lyrics more distinguished because I can't make out what song is playing. Maybe it's just me and the buzz in my ears. Despite that, I follow the rhythm with my electric body. Electric.

I giggle to myself and Sarah looks at me weirdly, a smile forming on her own lips. But as I release the giggle, my stomach twists and my mouth closes immediately, followed by my hand being clasped on top of it.

"Kat? Oh, shit." Sarah mumbles, pulling me closer to her.

We manage to get through the mass of people and I hear the harsh push of the bathroom door before every drop of alcohol exits through my mouth. Sarah, I suppose, holds my hair as I lean over the toilet seat. It's painful at first, but soon enough, after a couple minutes, I feel the relief that floods over me. But the feeling of disgust follows shortly and I shut my eyes as I sit down on the floor in a fetus position, my arms hugging my knees. I've never gotten drunk before and the two times that I did happen to be on this vacation. I literally fainted last time, and now I'm feeling sick way too much. My insides are still hurting, my vision is blurry and I can only make out the voices close to me.

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