8 Mornings

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The pain. Oh my God, the pain.

The second I opened my eyes, my head started hurting so incredibly bad. I groan and press my temples, hoping to God I relieve myself from this misery. I open my eyes slowly and, adding to the massive headache I was currently having, I also enter a panic attack. The room I am in and the bed I am on are not mine. And the real attack kicked in when I looked closely only to realise it is definitely a guy's room. I scann through it, finding clothes on the hangers and the smell of cologne hanging in the air makes me jump out of the bed in an instant.

I am still in my red dress, so I press my hands to my chest, assuming I didn't sleep with anyone. I slowly make my way to the door, hoping it is early in the morning so nobody is awake. I crack the door open and notice a pair of legs sitting on a couch. I curse under my breath, but open it widely nevertheless. And I let out a little yelp when I see Carterr right in front of me. He lifts his head from the phone and smirks at me.

"Oh, God no." I hastily move over to where he's sitting, sprawling myself next to him. "Did we sleep together?"

Carter lifts his eyebrow and lets out a small chuckle, still holding his phone in his hands. "No, sugar. You're cute, but I doubt we'll ever fuck."

I scrunch my nose at his comment. At least I know he won't try anything. I let out a sigh and lean back on the beige couch.

"That's a relief. When I woke up in your room I thought -"

"Oh, that's not my room, Kat." He mutters and I turn to face him, raising my eyebrow in expectation.

"It's Wes's."

I jolt up, looking at him from above, my eyes almost falling out on the wooden floor. What exactly happened last night? The last thing I remember is Luke challenging me to chug out of a bottle. After that, I have nothing in my memory.

"Please tell me I didn't sleep with Wes." I say, my voice becoming a whisper and I praised to everything his answer is no. And lucky for me, it is, but it's not Carter who informs me of that.

"Unfortunately, no." I hear Wes's voice coming from my right and I turn just in time to see him pull a black shirt over his head. He was in a shower, seeing as he's hair is still wet.

"Then why was I -"

"Because you were drunk, that's why." Wes says and joins Carter on the couch. He looks at me with a glare before speaking again. "And let me tell you something, you're a billion times more annoying than usual. Now move."

"Don't order me." I spat and slowly walk around the couch and into the kitchen. I take a glass and fill it with water, desperately needing a refreshment. I open a couple cabinets before finding the one I need. I take an Advil out of it, ignoring the amount of packages they have, and drink it down with another glass of water.

"Make me something to eat."

I turn around to see the Wes leaning on the counter, his arms crossed over his chest. He should really dry that hair or my mouth are going to hit the floor. Averting my gaze away from him, I placed the glass in the sink, even though there were a dozen of them around it. I ignored his request and moved past him. He lifted his arm and grabbed my forearm just as I wanted to pass through.

"Did you have fun last night?" He muttered, a smirk playing on his lips.

"I don't remember half of it." I answer sincerely, holding my eyes on his. He scoffed quietly.

"I deserve a thank you." He says. I hated how close I was to him at the moment, because those blue eyes always seemed to captivate me.

"Why?" I deadpan. I flinch when he pulls me closer so that his lips are beside my ear.

"Because for one night, I was taking care of you." He whispered. I didn't understand what that meant or what he did, all I know is that I fell into silence. I barely had the strength to argue with him, so when he slowly let go of me, I made my way towards the entrance door.

Three hours later

Finding out what you did during your drunk state is a shock. And it's an even bigger shock when you find out what you did during your very first drunkenness. And the biggest and worst shock of them all...

"You left me alone with Wes?!" I nearly shout at my cousin, who is frighteningly sitting next to her boyfriend, as if he can save her right now.

She let her dark hair fall over her eyes, like she is hiding from me and my entire reaction. Her hand comes out and she places some of the strands behind her ear. She clears her throat before speaking.

"Kat, please, it was only one night. And listen, he promised me not to provoke you or do anything. He was in charge of taking you to bed and that's all." She says and my eyes fall out of their sockets.

"That sounded wrong, fuck." She mutters and places her hand over her mouth.

"Why couldn't you do it? Or anyone else but him?!" I ask, my voice still full of anger. I know I'm exaggerating, but I know Hailey and if I didn't raise panic over this she would've thought it was fine. And it's not.

"We were, um, drunk." Luke mutters, his hand reaching to cover the fake cough that leaves his throat.

"Clearly so drunk to forget me."

"We didn't forget you." Sarah says. She's just passing through the living room but she has clearly heard our conversation from the kitchen.

"You were with Wes." Hailey assures me and I roll my eyes, crossing my hands over my chest.

"It'd be better if you forgot me."

My cousin scoffs and that's when I know I crossed the line. I am actually so lucky to be that close to her. Honestly, I can act like a child when I feel like it and Hailey, being the more mature and serious one, constantly helps me stay away from that awful habit. It's like biting your nails, once you start it's hard to stop.

"You need to go to the gym. Or check if you got your period." She tells me and gets up. Luke scans her until she's out of sight before turning to me with a smirk.

"So." He crosses his leg. "What's Wes like?"

"Luke." I warn, but he only gets excited more.

"Is he as aggressive in bed as he is usually?"

My answer is never heard. Firstly, because I don't have an answer and also because a large pillow flies towards Luke's face and he immediately raises his hands in defense.


An extremely short chapter but it's a fill in and I didn't have any inspiration whatsoever. Next one coming uppp sooonnn. <3

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