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I spent the next day mostly hanging around and relaxing. I managed to organise my room even more considering I will be here for a longer time. Hailey and Jessica helped me with organisation and later we went to get some drinks at the bar. I also went to the gym and I was really excited to go because it usually helps me relax and I needed a lot of relaxing after yesterday. I was just watching a show on my laptop when I heard a knock on the door.

"Kat, are you leaving with us?" Hailey peeked through the door and I scrambled out of my sheets, giving her a strange look.

"Leaving where?" I asked, sincerely confused.

"To the club. It's a Saturday, honey. I told you." She says, smiling at my confusion. I suddenly remember her and Jess talked about going to a club. Apparently it's new and they couldn't wait for it to open.

"Yes, yes I want to go." I shut down my laptop and hurry over to my closet. She's already in a dress which means they must be leaving soon. "What time is it anyway?"

"I have no idea, but be fast, we'll be outside waiting in the car." She says and shuts the door.

The adrenaline of being late hits me and I rush to get dressed. I hate being late which is why I don't bother to put any makeup on except for a mascara and lipstick. I am lucky to have clear skin meaning I don't need plenty of foundation. I pick a tight dark blue dress which slides on easily and I run out of my room after grabbing my clutch. I slipped on my black sneakers, since I am not a fan of heels.

I walk out of the house and spot Hailey's car but I see Luke in the driving seat. Just as I jump into the car I notice another car behind us and Carter behind the wheel.

"I am so sorry if you guys waited long." I apologise and Luke laughs, saying it wasn't a problem.

"You are pretty fast for someone who just layed in bed for four hours." Sarah jokes, making Hailey chuckle.

"I'm watching Pretty Little Liars for the sixth time, I didn't even notice what time it was." I say, placing my clutch next to me. Luke starts to drive, leaving the resort behind us.

"Ugh, I hate that show. Too many plot twists." Sarah says, fixing her silky dress. Once again, she looks like a Tumblr girl and I become jealous of her amazing style.

"That's exactly why I like it."

Someone lets out a quiet sniff, but I manage to hear it and turn to see Jessica looking out the window, completely in her own thoughts.

"Jess, you okay?" I ask and panic rises in Sarah's eyes as she focuses on Jess as well.

Jessica slowly shakes her head before bringing up her hand and when I see her wiping her eyes I instantly know she's been crying.

"What happened, baby?" Hailey turns to face her from the front. I notice Luke shifting his eyes to look at her in the rear mirror.

"It's Mel." Jessica mumbles, bowing her head to look at her hands in her lap. Her voice is barely audible and she doesn't look at us, probably not wanting to.

"What did he do?" Sarah grabs her hand and judging by her question, I assume they're talking about a boy. I haven't touched that subject with Jess yet so this is unfamiliar for me.

"Nothing, he's just..." She stops and grabs a breath, tilting her head back so it doesn't ruin her makeup I guess. "He's so cold and it makes me feel, like I'm the only one trying, I don't know."

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