3 Crazy

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"So, how long has this Luke and Hailey thing been going on? I barely know anything." I ask my cousin as we take the groceries out of the car. I demanded we fill up the fridge so I have something I can work with since they all like my cooking. So Hailey and I decided to go to the city and buy as many things as possible.

"Well, I told you about the beginning, how we met in camp. And then we saw each other here and as we began talking and all, it grew into this massive friendship and soon we began dating. I've really never met a person who understands me more, except you, of course." She says. "So I'd say we've been dating for six months, I think."

"That's the longest you've ever been in a relationship, right?" I ask and she nods, confirming my theory. "And how do you deal with the long distance thing?"

"You know, I thought it would be hard, and it was in the beginning. But our relationship is full of trust and loyalty and that's really what's keeping it alive." She says proudly and I can't help myself when I grin from ear to ear.

"I'm so happy for you, Hails. You deserve it." I tell her and she blushes. She's been through a lot, living without a father, that I really think she needs at least some kind of protection in her life.

We enter the house and as we walk through the lobby, a voice from the side stops us.


We turn to the sofas and notice Carter getting up from one, him probably being the one who yelled. He starts walking towards us and when I look behind him, I once again meet the face I wanted to see last. Unlike last night, when he was drunk off his ass, he seems sober today as I notice his eyes flame up when meeting my own.

"What's up?" Hailey asks Carter, who is now standing right in front of us. He flashes me a grin when he scans my face.

"Hey, sugar." He says, fixing his sunglasses.

"Hey, Carter." I grin. "You hungover?"

"You wouldn't beileve it." He shakes his head, laughing at himself before turning to my cousin again.

"Did you ask them to bring those papers?" He asks her and I zone out when I realise I don't know what they're talking about.

I avert my gaze back to the sofas only to see a tall figure approaching me with great speed it almost scares me.

"What are you doing here?" He stops in front of me, glaring with daggers in his eyes. Carter and Hailey stop their conversation, probably because they have no idea what's going on.

"The same thing you are, I'm enjoying." I answer calmly, gripping my plastic bags tighter.

"I'm not enjoying now." He growls and I notice the veins on his hands stand out.

"Boo-hoo, Wes, go cry in a corner." I roll my eyes, annoyed by his angry tone.

"Wait, what?" Hailey mutters when I say his name out loud. She probably thought I have never met him.

"Do you have to follow me everywhere I go?" Wes asks.

"You wish." I mutter and turn around to face my cousin. "Let's go, Hails."

"Nu-uh, honey, I ain't leavin' until someone tells me what the hell is going on." She says and I groan. Sometimes I forget how stubborn she can be, only because she rarely shows that side to me.

"I don't have the mental strength to explain anything right now." I grab my temples.

"You don't have any strength whatsoever." Wes mumbles and my cousin's confusion only grows, judging by the look on her face.

"Seriously Wes?" I manage.

"Okay, so, are you two like exes or something? Because you clearly know each other." Carter motions between Wes and I and our expressions suddenly match the one of a baby tasting a lemon for the first time.

"Ew, that's disgusting."

"Unfortunately we know each other."

"I'm lost." Carter says bluntly, eyeing us with confusion.

"I swear, if someone doesn't tell me what -" Hailey raises her finger and I know better than to stay quiet.

"Okay, okay." I look at her warningly before letting out a breath. "Hailey, remember that time I got detention while you were staying at our place because your mom went to Europe?" I ask and she nods. "Do you remember the reason why I got it in the first place?"

"You said some guy pushed you down the stairs  and you attacked him, right?"

"For the millionth time, you slipped!" Wes intervenes, staring at me angrily.

"That was you?" Her eyes widen as she focuses her attention at Wes. "You're the guy she's been having a feud for years?"

"What are you, mad at me now?" Wes looks at her strangely.

"Yes, I am!" She grits her teeth, looking like a mother ready to scold her child. "I've mentioned her before and you have never said a thing! I wouldn't hang out with you in the first place."

"Ugh, I remember when you said her name. At first, I thought you were batshit crazy like her." He shivers and I roll my eyes.

"So you two are enemies?" Carter finally concludes, looking at us for approval.

"Go to hell." I say to Wes for calling me crazy. He's the only crazy person I know.

"Go to hell." He mocks me.

"I'll take that as a yes." Carter says and clicks his tongue. A sudden silence comes over us and nobody says a word. Wes narrows his eyes at me and I almost slap him because of how annoyed I am.

"C'mon, you can get along for one summer, right?" Hailey suggests and receives two loud groans in response. Being on good terms with Wes is like trying to make a pancake without an egg. It is impossible. We've been enemies for over four years now. How would I ever be able to be on good terms with him if he annoys me with every single word that he says?

"I have an idea." Wes perks up and I just cross my arms over my chest, waiting to hear another stupid thing he will probably say.

"How about Katherine leaves and everyone lives happily ever after?" He smiles, clearly proud of himself. He sneaks a glance towards me and I just roll my eyes. My cousin gives him a small smack on the shoulder.

"How about we just avoid each other, huh?" I say, but the three of them share a look.

"Kat, you see." Carter starts to explain, clearly struggling to find the words. "You're new so you obviously wouldn't know. You see, we've been coming here for years. We're literally best friends. Our group -" He says and motions between him and Wes. "- connected with Hailey's group a long time ago. And the thing is, we are always together. We became this big group of friends."

I stare at him, baffled. I actually could've assumed. In the two days that I have spent here, I have seen Carter plenty of times.

"Well, that's just great. Fabulous." I throw my hands up sarcastically.

"Which just shows that my idea is incredible. You leave." Wes points at me and I swat his finger away.

"I am not leaving." I stand my ground and my cousin nods, agreeing with me. "You are not going to ruin my vacation."

The moment I say that, Wes's eyes sparkle and I kind of regret my words because of the smirk that appears on his lips.

"Watch me."

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