33 Chicken

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I take the burger into my mouth, savouring the fantastic taste. I personally think my own food is the best but I would never miss out an opportunity on fast food. I know how chemical every ingredient is but you can't deny that the flavours feel almost perfect.

Carter grabs one of my fries and I have the urge to roll my eyes at him.

"I asked you if you wanted fries." I tell him bluntly, glaring at his fingers as he licks them to get the salt away.

"I just wanted like two." He shrugs as if taking someone's fries is okay. It's never okay.

"Well you won't get the second one." I stick my tongue at him and snatch my fries, placing them in my lap.

"It's rude not to share." He tells me, but I just scoff.

"It's rude to steal." I retort and he just mimicks me to himself, taking another bite of his own burger. I glare at him for a couple more seconds before returning to my meal.

"Guys." Sarah whines as she sets down the wrapper from her finished burger. She might be tiny, but she eats extremely fast and much more than some people I've met.

"Hm?" I raise an eyebrow, not taking my eyes off of my food.

"I want a smoothie but the line is so long." She nods towards the gigantic line in front of the pult. It wasn't this long when we arrived but seeing as it's lunch time, people have gathered enough to create a queue all the way to the end of the restaurant. And the noise of all the kids asking their parents what the big poster says is becoming louder every second.

"Babe." She glances at Carter but he shakes his head immediately.

"Nah, sweetie, I'm eating. Can you wait just three more minutes?" He waves his burger around and I have to sustain myself from glaring at him again.

"I'll go get it for you." I move to stand up but Sarah grabs my hand instantly.

"No." She stops me and pulls me so I sit back down. I raise a confused eyebrow and she tries to communicate with her eyes. I just furrow my eyebrows and sulk down in my seat, utterly dumbfounded.

"Carter, be a man." She tells him and he rolls his light eyes.

"Fine." He squishes the wrappers between his hands and dramatically throws them on the table before standing up. "The things I do for you, woman."

He walks away while shaking his head and stands at the end of the never ending line. He places his hands in his pockets and I have to fight the urge to laugh at how awkward and lost he looks. I glance at his phone on the small table and realise he's about to be bored to the core.

"I think I'm pregnant."

The fry I had just placed in my mouth comes spilling out and I scramble to cover it with napkins, not wanting people to gag at what's in front of me. My eyes quickly find Sarah's and I can see the uneasiness surrounding her as she bites on her nail, studying my reaction.

"Pregnant?" I ask, just to make sure I heard her correctly.

Her foot is tapping against the hard floor and she leans in, sighing heavily. She nods and searches my face for something.

"There's a difference between I think and I know." I say, honestly unsure of what I should be telling her. I'm not good at stressful situations and this seems like one.

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