5 Chocolate

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Enemy 000 is #49 in love-hate and that's huge for me! Than you!

"Does it hurt?" Luke asks for the hundredth time and I reply with the same answer.


He nods and grabs the clean bandage, carefully wrapping it around my calf. Turns out there was a small piece of glass stuck under my skin and I was lucky it didn't go deep. It only scraped the surface of my skin but remained there which is why it was bleeding so much last night. Luke managed to get it out safely and clean my wound. Who knew such a tall guy would have such gentle hands?

"There. All done." He finally secures it and I smile at him gratefully.

"Thank you." I say and he waves me off.

"So no swimming for you today?" Hailey pouts, already in her bikini.

"Unfortunately, no." I shrug and plop down on the couch. "My only plan today is plotting Wes's murder."

"While you're at it, any plans for lunch today?" Jessica appears with her towel in her hand. I really wish I could go to the pool because it is boiling hot today.

"Yes, actually." I reply and they all perk up. "But it's a surprise."

"Don't mind if I do." Sarah says, clapping her hands happily. She waves goodbye at me before walking out of the apartment, Jessica following behind her. Hailey walks over to the couch and crouches next to me.

"If you become too bored, don't hesitate to call." She winks at me and I nod. Luke waves and they both exit, leaving me all on my own.

Now what?

I turn on the TV, in hopes that there's something interesting on there. I find a movie and watch it until it becomes boring. Since I have pretty much nothing to do, I decide to start lunch. Since I have plenty of time, I will make something special and big. I've been cooking since I was ten. It all started with a couple cakes and soon I was making full meals. My parents liked my cooking and I would always insist on preparing lunch. It's a hobby I enjoy so much and I would always turn to it when I was distressed.

I grab a knife and slice out some tomatoes for the salad when a hand comes over my shoulder, stealing a piece of bell peppers. I turn around quickly because I definitely got shocked by that.

"What happened to your leg?" Wes questions, chewing on that piece he stole from me. He looks at my bandage before looking me in the eyes, completely unbothered by the fact that he is in my comfort zone. His hair is wet so I assume he has just taken a shower and his face looks like he hasn't gotten sleep in years.

"You look like shit." I comment and pull a disguisted face at his appearance. I look behind him to where our couch is placed and notice Carter laying on it. I guess these boys don't know what knocking is.

"I feel like shit." He says, moving to examine the rest of my work, and continuing to eat whatever I have placed on the counter. I move over to him and swat his arms away. He ignores me and takes an olive from the bowl.

"Stop eating my food." I warn him and try to pull him away by grabbing his shoulders, but he swiftly spins around and grabs both of my wrists.

"Don't try it, babe." He says and I groan. I hate when he calls me that. He completely ruined the point of that nickname for me because he only uses it to annoy me. I harshly pull put of his grip and stick my tongue out.

"What happened to your leg?" He repeats his question, taking yet another olive from the bowl. I wish we were still the same hight so I could tackle him down and break his arm.

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