6 Faint

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My long sleep was interrupted by someone shaking me on my shoulders. I refuse to open my eyes to a person who is waking me up on a summer vacation. That is a sin I will not tolerate.

"Go away." I mumble, not even opening my eyes. My dream was stopped and I groan in annoyance.

"Kat, we have to go." I hear Luke's voice through the faint sound of my sheets being pulled away from me. Now that is just cruel.


Some shuffling is heard afterwards before my hands and legs are grabbed and I'm lifted off the bed. I shriek and open my eyes immediately. A groan comes out of my lips as the first thing I see in the morning is Wes's face.

"Let me go! You are not allowed in my room!" I say angrily and fidget to make it harder for the boys to carry me. They bring me out of my room, away from my bed and I groan loudly.

"I know, babe." Wes says and rolls his eyes, trying to keep me steady. "Because you'd be much louder if I was allowed."

My eyes widen and I kick my foot in the air, making sure I hit him in the jaw. He groans in pain and lets go off my legs. They drop to the floor and I feel Luke release my hands so I stand up straight.

"Kat, what the fuck?!" Luke moves to face me.

"I like you, Luke, but if you bring that moron to my room again, you'll end up like him." I tell Luke and pretend to dust off some dirt from my pajamas. Just the thought of Wes seeing me in this makes me cringe and I walk over to my closet, taking out the first thing I see.

"Now, what is so urgent that I had to put a pause on the movie in my dreams?"

"You got My Little Pony on the TV, you know?"

Luke accidentally lets out a chuckle after Wes's sarcastic remark, but my glare makes him clear his throat.

"Um, we have to surprise Carter in his room." Luke answers my question and I remember it's Carter's birthday.

"Alright. Let me just get dressed."

When we enter Carter's apartment I get the urge to slap everyone who lives there, which is clearly only men considering the state of this place. Leftover pizzas and takeaway boxes are covering the kitchen counter while the couch in the sitting area is filled with clothes. I wouldn't call myself an extremely tidy person but this is something only a child would consider healthy.

Ignoring the awful scene I continue following the group, practically on my toes. They decided I just carry the cake, because apparently I am not as clumsy as them, which I tried to object but failed. I have a terrible habit of tripping over my own feet and they want me to carry this cake which feels like it weighs like a car at the moment.

Wes cracks the door of Carter's bedroom open and turns to us to make sure we're ready.

"Surprise!" We all yell at the same time and the sound of confetti popping is heard before the colorful papers fill the entire room. But a wave of silence comes over us when Carter sits up in the bed, with a curly brunette by his side.

I suspect this would be awkward, that is until everyone erupts in laughter.

"You idiots." Carter says tiredly and a smile appears on his face. Someone pushes me gently on the back and I walk over to Carter's side, placing the cake beside him.

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