42 Swearing

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Only two chapters left! Warning: smut!

My fingers grab the material of Wes's shirt and I pull him onto me. He lifts me up to position me higher on the bed before crashing his lips on mine. I groan softly as he presses himself on me, his erection making me spread my legs.

"You sure you want this?" He looks at me with raised eyebrows, concern crossing his face.

"Yes." I reply and he drops his head on my chest, our heavy breathing matching each other.

"Katherine, I don't want to force you into something, especially if you're gonna run from me afterwards." He peers up at me, his eyelashes slowly opening. His expression is somewhat vulnerable and I can't help but wonder where that's coming from.

"You're not forcing me. When have you ever?" I ask, deciding not to comment on the second part of his statement.

"I haven't." He answers to himself. "But this isn't something I normally care about when I sleep with girls."

I press my lips in a tight line, not really wanting to hear about his other girls.

"Why now? Why me?" I ask quietly, almost ashamed. He just connects his eyes with mine, his hand gently brushing the side of my face. He looks hesitant in what he's planning to say and it takes him a while to find his words.

"I- I don't know." He replies, looking everywhere but in my eyes. "I meant it when I said I want you all the time, not just for one night stands. I still don't know exactly what that means but I need you by my side if I ever come to understand it."

"I'm kind of confused." I say with my eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah, so am I." He shakes his head and I can't help the giggle that escapes my lips. I place my hand over my mouth and he just smiles down at me.

"Why are you so stupid around me?" I wonder, the remains of my chuckles still heard. He just gives me a loopsided smirk before speaking.

"Why are you so eager around me?" He looks down at where my legs are almost wrapping themselves around him and I roll my eyes at his bluntness. He catches my face in his palm and kisses me deeply, once again waking up the sensational feeling in me.

He plays with the material of my jumpsuit, squeezing all my curves. He finds the opening on the side of my leg and parts away from the kiss, moving to kiss my neck, all while sneaking his hand inside of the jumpsuit. His fingers caress my skin and I can't help but run my hands along his broad shoulders. I fiddle with the hem of his shirt and slowly start unbuttoning it. His kisses are mesmerizing and pleasing. He glances at me from the side before finishing the last two buttons and slipping the shirt off of him, leaving him in nothing but his jeans.

He kisses me once again before finding the zipper of my clothes. The jumpsuit becomes less tight and he pulls it down my body. Since I didn't wear a bra with it, I'm currently only in my panties. I watch him as he removes the straps of my heels, dropping them on the carpet beside our clothes. I lift myself up and easily take off his belt. He just smirks down at me and pushes me into the bed, taking his jeans off by himself. Finally, in nothing but undergarments, he wraps his strong arms around my waist and I give into his touch, completely loose at his actions. I grab his boxers and rush them down his legs.

"Choose the rhythm, baby." He catches a glimpse of my face and I bite my lip.

"Faster than before." I tell him and smirk when his eyes spark in a devilish way, so evil I can only wait impatiently for what he's about to do.

"As you wish." He grabs my panties and pulls them down before teasingly kissing me. While I'm caught up in his slow and steady lips, he enters me with full force and I break away from the kiss, hissing at the pain.

"Fuck, Wes, what the- " I mumble but he plants a sweet kiss on my lips, smirking after pulling away.

"Why are you swearing?" Wes chuckles. "It doesn't fit that pretty mouth of yours."

"Hardly." I roll my eyes and he shakes his head at my arrogance before pulling out of me. He looks down at me one last time before pushing inside, receiving a slight moan from my lips.

I close my eyes in pleasure as we move in sync. He grunts and burries his face in the crook of my neck. He took it seriously when I said I want it fast, because his movement becomes so fast I can barely breathe in between all of it.

"Shit." He mutters and places his palm just above my ass. "Lift yourself."

I do as he says and prop my feet to support my weight. He uses his hand and pushes me further into him, eventually grabbing a handful of my ass. I whimper as he hits a spot so sensitive it makes me moan loudly.

He plants a kiss on my lips and I take it in, grabbing his jaw with my hands before I let my nails rake down his back. He responds to this by quickening his pace, slowly reaching both of our climaxes.

"Oh my -" My voice comes out so weak just as he roams into me one last time and my legs shake in pleasure as we reach our climaxes. He gently falls on top of me and I run my hands through his hair as we're both left breathless.

But I smirk to myself as I get an idea. I use all the strength I have left to flip us over and his expression is surprised and amused as I support myself on my knees, having the lead now.

"This is new." He smirks and folds his hands behind his head, his biceps flexing as he does this. I try not to get distracted by how handsome and hot he looks, and instead just form a proud smile.

"You are the birthday boy. You deserve a show." I say, biting my lip. He quickly lifts himself to sit and grabs my waist, pulling me in a heated and possessive kiss.

"Mhm." He mumbles through the kiss before pulling away, his eyes seductive as always. "And you're my favourite entertainer."

I chuckle smugly, his words making my insides turn, before placing my hand on his chest and firmly pushing him away, letting him fall back on the mattress. His cocky attitude shows as he folds his hands again and raises an eyebrow, waiting for the show to start. He's so arrogant it's hard to resist him.

I teasingly lower myself on him and I see him hold back a reaction when I make sure to move at a slow pace. It's painful for him and I know it, which is why I move my hips to the left, looking at him under my lashes. He presses his tongue to the inside of his cheek and I finally, completely sink down on him. He removes his hands from the back of his head and tightly grabs the sides of my thighs, his fingers digging into my skin, probably leaving marks.

I fasten my pace, swirling around and allowing my breaths to echo through the room. It's a remarkable pain combined with the thrilling sensation that fills me all at once.

"Fuck baby, you're so good." He curses and I throw my head back just as he sits up, holding me securely with one of his hands, while his other is supporting his own weight on the mattress. He lifts his hips to match my rhythm and we both grunt as the connection instantly feels deeper.

"Shit." I mutter and his hand finds my hip, pushing me down harshly. I yelp and look down at him.

"What'd I say about swearing?" His tone is rigid and serious and I find it hard to look away from him. So I only crash my lips on his as we both move faster, the tension inside me building up close to an end.

I let out one last sigh as he fills me and falls on his back, pulling me with him. I collapse on his chest and this time, he's the one to run his fingers through my long hair.

Feeling weak and exhausted, I grab the sheets and try to pull them over us. Wes reacts quickly and grabs the other side, making it easier for me to do that. Then, when we're both under the sheets, he wraps his arms around me and holds me tightly as I fall into a deep, unbothered sleep.

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