25 Bond

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"I have to pee!" I whine loudly and Sarah smacks my arm for the thousandth time in the last ten minutes.

"Kat, we literally have half an hour, can't you wait?" Hailey says from the driver's seat. She looks at me in the small mirror as I hold onto my stomach.

"I've been dealing with your weak ass bladder for years. Stop the car, Hails." I warn and Jessica lets out a loud laugh, slapping herself while doing so. I see my cousin growl before she harshly pulls beside the road.

I practically jump out of the car, my mouth forming a string of curses. I spot a bush and jog over to it, already unzipping my pants.

I haven't been to the bathroom this morning and the others were pushing me to get ready faster which is why I couldn't wait to have an opportunity to free myself. I close my eyes and enjoy not having a full bladder anymore.

"Katherine, damn it!" I hear Wes's voice from the distance and it sounds like he's impatient.

"I'm coming!" I make it clear for them while standing up and raising my shorts up my legs. I hate travelling. I absolutely hate having to sit in a car or a plane for hours while you wait for your destination. I can't wait for teleporting to become a thing. I rush over to the car and see that the boys have obviously pulled over as well. I can't avoid Wes's smirk as he watches me while I make long strides in order to get to the vehicles.

"Your zipper, Kat." Carter chuckles, flicking off his used cigarette. The boys must've been bored in the car and got out to have a smoke.

I glance down and pull up my zipper, embarrassed.

"Let's just go." I mumble and throw myself in the backseat of Hailey's car. Just like she said, we only had thirty minutes to the house.

Once we reach the tall building Hailey slows down in front of it and when I look closer to see why she's slowed down I see her face light up as she quickly jumps out of the car after stopping it fully. Sarah and Jessica follow quickly and I just stupidly open my door and lean against the car. They all let out excitement noises as my cousin crashes into a tall blonde girl standing in front of the house. My cousin jumps up happily as she says something to the girl while Jessica and Sarah hug her as well. I hear footsteps behind me and turn my head around to see the boys approaching, but as they get closer I see their faces turn into a frown.

"Man, what the fuck?" Wes throws his hands up in the air, turning to his friends.

"Ellie's back." He announces and I see Carter lift his sunglasses. He squints his bright eyes before a groan escapes his throat.

"Fucking great." Dylan mutters and I can't help but laugh at the opposite welcomes for this girl called Ellie. I nod at Carter when I catch his eye.

"Who is she?" I ask, crossing my hands over my chest.

"This crazy chick your cousin hangs out with. She's been gone for two years and now would you look at that?" He sarcastically remarks, putting his attention back to the four girls squealing over one another. I've never seen Carter annoyed so this is an interesting new situation.

"Let's just go out the back." Wes suggests and I see the other boys agreeing with him with their heads nodding.

"Kat! Come here!" My cousin yells to me with a wide smile on her face. She beckons me to come to them and I detach myself from the car.

"Good luck, sugar." Carter tells me while shaking his head in desperation before he follows the boys, who are already walking towards the back of the house.

I shrug and walk over to the four girls. The blonde girl focuses on me as her eyes look me up and down before she looks back at my face and greets me with a warm smile. Her fresh face and soft hair makes me assume she is in the modeling world, she must be.

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