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Wes Blue

"Man, that's not even close to what I could've done. Have you even seen me play?" Carter brags, only pushing Dylan to protest even more. As if we haven't heard enough of their basketball stories and glories.

"How about a one-on-one tomorrow?" Dylan straightens up and tries to size Carter up from the other side of the table. "We'll see who's the real one then."

Mel groans in annoyance, voicing my thoughts as well. He stands up and grabs Dylan's drunken body. To think I am one of those who didn't drink tonight, now that is an accomplishment. But Carter asked me to take care of him, and seeing as he can barealy lift himself up, I know why I'm avoiding alcohol. I help him sit up and he smiles at me weakly.

"Where to?" I ask Mel who starts walking out of the booth.

"I need a drink." He says and pulls Dylan after him. Leaving them alone in that booth would probably be a bad idea so I'm thankful for Mel's way of thinking.

"Scotch, please." Mel says when we reach the long bar, filled with all kinds of people. We sit on the empty stools, placing the drunk boys beside us.

"Make that two." I tell the waitress who nods at me and goes to prepare her drink. It doesn't take me long to examine her curvaceous body and I must say that uniform fits her well.

"Did you get everything for the wedding?" Mel asks once our drinks are placed in front of us.

"No." I roll my eyes. The amount of times that Sophia called me in the last two weeks is uncountable. She is preparig every single detail and that includes me.

"Only the shoes?"

"Yeah." I take a sip and look onto the dance floor. "I don't know why she's so worked up about that."

"It's her wedding, dude. And you're her brother. I'd get worked up myself." Mel tells me before looking in the same direction as me.

Unfortunately, in that exact moment, a tall guy appears behind Jessica, grabbing her hips. She obviously feels discomfort, as she tries to move away from him.

"You're shitting me." Mel growls and forces his glass on the table, making the drink itself spill out of it. He gets off the stool, but I place my hand on his chest, knowing exactly what's in his head right now. His eyes start getting bloodshot when he sees the guy grab Jessica's waist and she moves away from him, her face looking disgusted.

"Fuck no."

"Mel, wait!" I try, but he stalks into the crowd and I rush after him.

He seizes the guy and throws a punch hard enough to make the guy fall to the ground. He jumps on top of him and uses everything in him to punch him numerous times in the face, making the guy's nose break most probably. I run over to him and pull him away with Luke's help. He is sweating from anger and I see his eyes not leaving the guy's body laying on the ground.

Jessica is by his side in no time, grabbing his face with both of her tiny arms.

"Calm down, baby, please." She says and I notice a tear running down her cheek. Mel's eyes search for hers and when he meets them I see him visibly relax.

"We have to leave." I turn to face Hailey, who quickly nods.

I gather Carter and the boys just as I see Mel embrace Jessica in a hug. It's crazy how that girl affects him and his anger issues, she's like a cure. We practically run outside, hoping that there is no police in sight. The last thing we need right now is dealing with cops.

"You okay?" I place my hand on Mel's shoulder and he nods absentmindedly, probably still trying to get ahold of himself.

"Guys, we have another problem." I hear Luke's voice from behind me and we all turn around to where Hailey and Luke are walking towards us. But the thing that makes us gasp is the fact that Luke is carrying a completely motionless Katherine in his hands. He trips a little bit before coming to stand next to us, placing Katherine on her feet while supporting her upper body.

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