16 Covers

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I feel stupid.

"What's wrong?" My cousin's voice startles me and I look away from the mirror and into her eyes.

"The hell is this?" I motion to my outfit that the girls have planned for me. The black dress I'm wearing is incredible so it's not it that's creating the problem. "We never did this stuff, Hails."

Hailey laughs out loud, continuing to push her lashes upwards with her black mascara.

"You're not appreciating yourself more, Kat. Honestly, if I had your body someone would have to stop me." She explains.

"Yeah, but these." I whine, lifting one of my legs up to examine the black heels I was given. I absolutely hate heels and I've only worn them a couple times. I own three pairs, but I didn't bring a single one on this trip, already assuming I won't be wearing them. Jessica insisted on them and basically pushed them in my hands, telling me to just try them on.

"Just for one night." Jessica says just as she arrives from her bedroom, her body covered by a tight fitting white dress.

"Who am I even getting ready for?" I continue to protest.

"Yourself." Both Hailey and Jess say in the same time and I glare at my cousin. When we were younger we avoided getting fancy at all costs. I guess she moved on from it, while I stayed in that same phase. I feel betrayed.

"One of you will have to carry me when I get lazy." I say, still unsure if I should go out like this.

"I will. I've been going to the gym for a reason." Sarah exclaims proudly, gaining a chuckle from Jessica.

The four of us exit the apartment, leaving Luke by himself. But he won't be alone because the boys will cone over at our apartment to watch a game. Us girls decided to use that one time we have away from them and go out to Falls.

When we arrive it's absolutely packed. We skip the line and I barely process how. I only noticed Sarah talking to the bouncer who then showed us the way where we walked through when Carter was celebrating his birthday.

We do get inside quicker than others, but we realize we don't have a table. As we struggle to find one, we manage to get a table which doesn't have any seats and considering we're all in heels, this doesn't start well for us.

I choose to ignore that and start moving to the rhythm of the music. We order a bottle of vodka and start drinking as soon as it's placed in front of us. I don't want to repeat the one nicght I got drunk, which is why I decide on taking it slow. I feel genuine fun with them and I start feeling happy for meeting such great friends.

After almost two hours of us dancing and jumping, a person approaches our table, his hand adorned with a black watch.

"You could've told me you were coming, I would free my booth for you immediately." Damon says to the four of us, his eyes gleaming in the dark. They find their way to me so I quickly look away and focus my attention on my friends.

"Well, can you free it now?" Sarah asks with hope evident in her voice.

"Anything for you, my dear." He tells her and I see her visibly sigh. He gestures for us to follow him and we all grab our things and move to where his booth is situated.

Two if his friends are seated there and when they see us they automatically move to the side. Damon lets us pass through and because I'm the last one in the line, he ends up seated next to me.

"So about that dinner." He starts and I raise my hand, preventing him from speaking any further.

"Just give up. I'm not going on a dinner with you." I say.

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