40 Boys

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"But wouldn't you die?" Alex chuckles at the photo I showed her. It's a photo of Carter and I doing some yoga pose neither of us actually know how to perform. Apparently, both Cindy and Alex decided to scoop through my gallery and find out who Carter is.

"No, I wouldn't." I tell her, taking another lick of my ice cream. "I told you, he's taken."

"Bitches can sure try holding on to that one." My best friend says while looking at a photo of him.

"Sarah's not a bitch." I scoff.

"Who's Sarah?"

"His girlfriend."

"Well then, Sarah can sure try holding on to that one." She retorts and I just roll my eyes.

My mother is due to come out of the hospital in three days. I was beyond happy when I heard those news. I can't wait to cook with her and watch movies with her. She hasn't really missed anything, but she surely wasn't here for some things, and I can't wait to make up for that. I decided to take the girls out for an ice cream to celebrate.

"Are there any other cute guys you know?" Cindy wonders, throwing the paper wrap of her ice cream in a nearby trash can.

"Um, most of them are taken." I say, thinking of Mel and Luke. "There's Dylan."

"Sounds hot." Cindy says.

"Isn't that the dude who stole that other guy's girl?" Alex asks me, recalling the situation when Dylan was trying to be with Dave's girl. I told her about it the other day. I nod my head and she scoffs.

"Fucking dumbass. Pass." She continues searching through my gallery.

"You never told me if you caught someone?" Cindy wiggles her eyebrows and I stop eating my ice cream. I love Cindy and she's a sweetheart, but she has a big mouth. If I told her about Wes, that gossip would fly around New York faster that a bird on steroids.

"Nah, nobody really."

My thoughts swirl through my memory and suddenly something flashes in the back of my mind.

I've never had someone fall into my arms.

I widen my eyes as the memory becomes a clear picture in front of my eyes, those dark eyes and that strong cologne. I knew there was a piece missing from that night when I first got drunk and fainted. That low voice and sweet murmurs in my ears are now becoming more clear and it's not in the fog anymore. As I try to remember as much as I can from that night, Wes's words now become more understandable.

That guy from the club won't even think about getting you now.

And in a second I remember everything, how that stranger kissed me, touched me and felt me, almost everywhere, behind that corner near the bathrooms. I remember his hungry eyes and strong arms. Why didn't anyone tell me about that? One of my friends must've seen us because I don't remember anything after that, so I assume I have fainted then.

"I did hook up with someone." I voice out my realization. My two friends widen their eyes at me. "But I have no idea who he is. I was trashed that night."

"You actually got drunk?" Cindy laughs, not believing me.

"Yeah, and fainted."

"What? Like for real?"

"Real." Alex smirks at me. "The bitch got drunk without me. Talk about a fake ass friend."

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