39 Charm

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"Maybe if your love for biking continues, I'll sit on a bicycle as well." My mother says, with absolutely no seriousness in her voice.

"Sure you will." My dad says, placing his hands on his hips. "The last time you drove one, we just started dating."

I laugh as she sends him a glare. He raises his hands in surrender and walks away, in the direction of the halls. As he opens the door, several people enter and I have to collect my calmness when I see who it is.

Wes casually strides inside, carrying a beautiful bouquet, filled with yellow and white flowers. He smiles at something my dad says as he claps Wes on his back. His eyes quickly shift to mine and I feel like I'm in a movie as he forms a smirk in slow motion. His hair isn't the least gelled and it falls slightly over his forehead. He looks much younger than when I saw him a day ago.

I decide to break the eye contact and instead focus on his beautiful sister, who's accompanied by their mom and dad. I stand up and walk over to them to greet them. Sophia's eyes find mine and she smiles brightly.

"Kat, oh, sweetie, look at you." She hugs me tightly, her sisterly arms draping around me.

"Oh, stop." I wave her off. "You're the new bride! What's it like being married?"

"Honestly, I feel old." She says and I chuckle. This girl really never ages. She's always had the softest and clearest skin and she's always been in good shape. Good genes must run in the family.

"You don't look old." I tell her and this time she laughs.

"You're both getting old, live with that." Wes's dad ruffles mine and Sophia's hair, ignoring our groans as he passes us and walks over to my mom's bed. Mrs. Blue and my dad follow, as well as the siblings.

I just take a seat next to the wall and watch their exchange. The Blues have been family friends ever since Sophie and I met in gymnastics. And even though we all deny it, Wes's and my escapades brought us closer together, especially our parents. They joke around until I hear my mom call my name. I look up and get kind of uncomfortable when I notice they're all looking at me.

"Hm?" I focus on my mom specifically.

"You didn't tell me Wes was at the resort Hailey took you to." She raises an eyebrow curiously. I look over to Wes, who only smirks, clearly satisfied with my discomfort and all the attention being on me.

"I forgot that." I tell her and she chuckles humorously, looking at the boy who brought her flowers and then at me again.

"Please tell me, how did you come here with all your bones in place?" She asks and everyone erupts in laughter, including Wes.

I can't help but smile as well. I'm glad our families can make jokes about our feuds, because those certainly used to be stressful times for both sides.

"Wes actually had a bruise." Wes's dad says and points to his son's jaw, where I have punched him with my foot. I'm surprised they know about it, since the bruise obviously disappeared already. Wes just swats his dad's arm away. Now who's uncomfortable?

"I'm starting to think I actually have two sons." My mom smirks in my direction.

"Anyway, Sophie, tell me more about the wedding." They continue their conversation and I look away, continuously playing with my bracelet, unlocking it and locking it. My mom gave it to me one day, she used to wear it when she was younger, and I haven't taken it off ever since. But just like Hailey's ring, it's getting smaller in comparison to my wrist.

I can't wait for my mom to get out of the hospital. They still have to make sure that she's stable enough to leave and I am dreading that day. These white tiles and white walls in our hospital are starting to freak me out. And since I'm here every day, I hope it doesn't make me crazy.

I look up when I see someone walking over to me, stirring me from my thoughts.

"What's up?"

I eye the tall boy as he takes a seat beside me. He leans back and spreads his legs, getting comfortable.

"Hey." I say, looking down at my jewelry. A charm falls off and I groan, fiddling with it so I can put it back on. Wes extends his hands and starts to grab mine but I move them away, not wanting this to be another cliche.

"Give it to me." He says but I just move them further. He tries to reach them and I just smirk victoriously when all he grabs is air.

"Seriously?" He drops his hand on my lap and looks at me like I'm a child. And I make sure to hum in satisfaction. I turn to face my bracelet and try hard to manage the lock with one hand.

"You're gonna break it." He tells me and I roll my eyes.

"I've had it for years, does it look broken to you?" I reply blankly.

He shakes his head and leans back as I deal with the small chain, its lock just not wanting to click. He leaves only one hand on my lap and I forget about it, seeing as my bracelet takes up all of my attention, until he starts moving it across my thigh, playing with the material of my dress. He's doing it unintentionally, but it still wakes up my nerves and raises the hairs on my arms.

Finally the sound of the lock clicking is heard and I happily lean back in my chair. Wes looks at me and I just nod at his hand, which is resting across my thighs. He rolls his eyes before removing it and draping it across my chair. Maybe it's my subconscious that's keeping it's eyes on him, but I know I don't look away for a while. His jaw is tight as he smirks at our parents laughing between each other.

"Do you have any plans on Friday?" He turns back to me and I panic for a second, realizing he's probably caught me staring. I think about his question, calculating how it's Wednesday today.

"Why?" I raise an eyebrow, fully skeptical.

"Do you or do you not?" He raises one back, bowing his head in expectation of my answer.

"Not for now but -"

"Good." He stops me mid sentence and averts his gaze back to the hospital bed. "Adeen's throwing me a birthday party. You should come."

Adeen is Wes's best friend, my favourite lab partner and Alex's high school crush. Unfortunately for her, he is just as big of a player as Wes is. But he's definitely more tolerable than Wes, and his never ending happiness is why everyone likes him. Now that I think of it, he reminds me of Carter.

"Actually." I take out my phone and open my calendar. I fake thinking and press my finger to my lips. "Yeah, just as I thought. I got a hairdresser appointment."

Wes looks back at me and then at the screen of my phone, which is still showing my calendar.

"Nice acting." He smirks before grabbing my phone. I screech and try to take it back, but he raises it above and being shorter, it's impossible for me to achieve that.

"I want you there." He says, his eyes falling to my hands on his chest as I try to retrieve my phone.

"I won't bring presents so you don't need me." I tell him stubbornly and he only half smiles, like a thought that's crossing his mind is causing that reaction.

"I'll give you your phone back if you agree to come."

"I can always lie." I shrug.

"That's not your thing." He tells me and unfortunately, he's partly right. I'm not someone who would lie very often, sure I drop one here and there but it's not a habit of mine.

"You wouldn't know until Friday."

"What if I tell you there'll be cake?" He tries to bribe me and I just roll my eyes.

"I can make one myself." I say proudly and I see the small smirk disappear from his lips.

"So you'll bring it for me?" He licks his lips and I have to bite my own to prevent my thoughts from taking over.

"No, Wes." I whine, giving up. He's just trying to aggravate me and I'm not gonna let him.

"C'mon." He chuckles. I cross my arms over my chest like a little kid. I know how childish I must look, but I honestly don't give a flying fuck. I see Wes's parents backing away from the bed and saying their goodbyes. Sophie waves at me as they pass me and Wes stands up, but not before tapping my chin playfully, his smirk never leaving his lips.

"See you there, princess."

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