18 Princess

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"Just one, one, please."

"I can't listen to you anymore."

I chuckle at the sight, Carter and Sarah bicker over the bright red cocktail which is currently in Luke's possession.

"I give you sips all the time! You're not fair!" Sarah whines, jumping around him as if she could reach the glass. Carter giggles at her before splashing her in the face, soaking her hair.

"You are so rude, I am done with you." She mumbles, using her palms to get the water out of her eyes. Right now she reminds me of myself, and it makes me laugh even harder.

"I'll buy you a new one, come on." Carter looks down at her, his eyes taking in a form of concern, but his smile shows the amusement.

"Cool." She smirks and starts to swim towards me.

"Seriously? That's what you wanted?" Carter says behind her, his head shaking. "You could've said so."

He walks to get out of the pool, his cocktail still in his hand.

"Manipulating, are we?" I wonder as Sarah approaches me slowly, gliding through the water.

"Nope. I'm just too lazy to go get my money." She giggles at herself.

"Anyway, you were saying?" She lifts her brows at me, recalling to the conversation we have started before Carter interrupted us, having to brag about his cocktail.

"Yeah, so." I stop to think. "I saw that there is a water park nearby. Did you ever go there?"

"Yeah." She shrugs, obviously not fascinated with the park I've mentioned. "It's cool, but it's all kids and trust me, I'm a kid myself, but it's annoying when you can't do anything risky around them."

"Too bad." I look away, suddenly disappointed. "I was feeling like sliding."

"We can go." She chirps. "Luke and Hailey haven't been there anyway. I can't promise you fun, but it's something to do, right?"

Carter approaches us. He holds two glasses, decorated with straws and pieces of fruit.

"Here you go, girls." He hands the drinks to the both of us and I look at him in awe.

"You didn't have to." I tell him, but he just shrugs, offering me a small smile.

"We should go to the water park. Kat wants to go." Sarah says as she slurps on her cocktail.

"The park? Oh, no, it ain't worth it." He waves his hand at me. "We'll go somewhere better if you're tired of this pool."

"Oh, I'm not -"

"The beach." His eyes twinkle and I see Sarah roll her eyes.

"The beach?" I ask.

"Yeah. It's Miami, sugar. You have to feel the beach." He tries to mimic something with his hands, making me chuckle.

"Just remember what happened the last time we went." Sarah looks at him with a plain face.

"Alright, so it's not easy to plan a full day trip with seven people, but we can try again? Maybe Kat is an organized person." Carter shows a cheeky smile, but Sarah only scoffs.

"You have two bad options, Kat, choose." She smiles at me and I laugh.

"I'll let you know." I say and continue sipping the refreshing drink with a smile.

After being in the pool for almost three hours, I start feeling drowsy, my eyes basically closing on their own.

"I'll go take a nap." I tell the pair and they nod, saying goodbye as I walk out of the water. I wrap my hair in a towel after drying my body and walk inside the house with my beach bag in my hand.

I walk to the elevator and the button in front of it lights up as I push it and I cross my hands over my chest, staring at the plain metal in front of me. The small sound is heard as some people exit, allowing me to pass through.

When the doors close, I almost wish there was more air inside. However, more air is sucked out when the doors open before the elevator even started to move.  Wes steps inside wearing gym shorts and a white shirt. He stands diagonally from me, holding the same posture as me. I try to focus on something else, but it's impossible, seeing as his eyes pierce straight through me. I know he's trying to aggravate me so I groan and uncross my arms.

"Can you push some other buttons other than mine?" I mutter and point to the elevator buttons near the door. He extends his hand slowly, pressing the 3, while holding eye contact with me. I've said it before and I'm going to say it again, I don't know whether this terrifies me or makes me nervous.

After that night, all I could think of was how to avoid him and somehow I ended up in a nice conversation with him in my own room. I scoff at the thoughts and transfer my eyes back to the boy across me.

Once again, his eyes slowly roam down my body and as he drops them, he tilts his head just as the little 'ding' is heard and the door opens.

I walk out in order to escape the tension, but that seems unavoidable, as his fingers wrap around my wrist, spinning me around.

"Now, listen here, princess." He speaks and my jaw almost drops when the nickname leaves his mouth.

"You were good, really good. If it wasn't you, I'd probably repeat it. But we both know that night was a one time thing. And I don't plan on having awkward exchanges, so it's all normal again, okay?" He sternly says, holding a gaze with me.

"What the -" I release myself from him, raising a brow.

"Who even said about anything changing? Like I was gonna marry you." I scoff. I know he's trying to be nice, but who is he fooling? He looks at me weirdly, straightening up as if he's trying to look at me better.

"Okay, okay." He raises his hands up in surrender. "I just didn't want any problems like you chasing me around or something."

"Me chasing you aro -"

"I've had situations like that before and I know it's the temptation to be with me, but I'm not into that right now." He smirks, fully aware that he's getting on my nervers with each second.

"I wouldn't want to be with you, asshole. Stop being so egoistic and get down on Earth." I say through my teeth, an angry look covering my face.

"But it was good, right?" He smirks but I only roll my eyes at him and walk away into my room.

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