29 Forgettable

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Please ignore how short this chapter is. It's a tiny filler.

"I hope you're not drinking much." My dad laughs through the phone and I roll my eyes.

"I think I'm not drinking enough." I retort, pulling on my hair.

The doors of my room abruptly open and I jump, taken aback. Keeping my eyes on the person that just entered, I sit up and furrow my eyebrows.

"Dad, I have to go." I say into the speaker.

"Alright. Stay safe." My dad chirps and I wuickly hang up the line.

"What are you doing in here?" I ask the boy who's leaning on the wall beside the door.

"I, um, can I use your phone?" Carter speaks, seeming to be out of breath.

"Sure." I say, dragging the answer while handing him my phone. He grabs it and dials a number. After a few seconds he starts moving around the room.

"Hey, so, they're here." He says, trying to speak as fast as he can.

"This wasn't the plan!" His voice turns more urgent. "Well I had no idea about this so you deal with it now!"

"No, you're a chicken." He concludes and throws my phone on the bed in frustration. I chuckle at the last line he said, but place my hand on my mouth.

"Something wrong?" I ask, grabbing my phone from where it landed. Carter exhaustedly sits on my bed, his back turned to me.

"Nope. Nothing." He answers.

"Is the pizza delivery here and you don't wanna go and pay?" I ask, unable to compress my amusement at how flustered he looks. He spins to face me, his eyebrows furrowing. I'd say he looks like a little boy, but I know it would aggravate him more.

"No, what?" He defends himself and gets up, looking out my window onto the park.

"Are there ghosts outside?"

"Kat." Carter snaps his head to me, his hand hovering in front of him. "Your sarcasm isn't needed at the moment."

I chuckle and my phone buzzes at the same time. It's Wes's number and I answer it.

"Is Carter hiding in your room?" I hear Wes's voice, but instead of hitting the red button, I smile.

"Are you guys playing hide and seek?" I squint my eyes at the boy beside my window, who doesn't look too pleased with my comment.

He instantly flips me off and I laugh. Wes however, sighs, and I hear footsteps and some other voices on the other line

"We can see him, so he better come down." Wes says and I shrug even though he can't see me. Just as I go to hang up, he speaks again.

"Tell him that."

I groan and hang up the call. For the past two days the boys have been tense, on edge. I've had Damon barge into our apartment at least three times a day, looking for Carter. I don't know what the poor boy has done, but his step brother seems pissed about it.

"You gotta go down." I say to that exact same boy and he frowns.

"Did Blue say that?" He wonders and I nod, receiving a groan from him.

"What's going on?" I ask absentmindedly. I can be very noisy when I want to, especially if there's something I should worry about. And right now, that feeling of worry is passing over me quickly. Carter looks like he wants to tell me, but he's holding back.

"Is this about that Abraham guy?"

The answer to my question is obvious when Carter's face falls and his mouth gapes open. Confusion is written all over his forehead as he tries to find the words to explain, or questions to ask.

"How do you know about that? About him?" He asks and I shrug.

"I actually don't know anything. But I have heard his name a couple times. I've heard Damon mention him as well." I explain.

"I guess you can know." He sighs. "I mean, I don't mind you knowing and it is my mess that I've created."

I sit patiently as I wait for him to speak.

"You know I'm into weed." He says, shrugging as if he's embarrassed. "And I have a dealer who I'm close with. That's Abraham."

I nod, taking in the information. That makes sense, although I don't know what Damon has to do with it.

"He's been supplying me for two years now and he started to trust me. Usually I'd pay him instantly but as his trust has grown, he forgave me for some times when I forgot the money. It wasn't on purpose, I'm just forgettable and it happens to me often." He tells me. "But he lost it the other month. He warned me about it before and told me how I owe him a lot of money. I tried to negotiate it with him but he wasn't having it, telling me I have to bring it all at once. And I mean, I have money, you know, but not that much for me to bring him a pile of cash. That's when Mel and Wes got involved, trying to rationalize him but I guess he feels betrayed. Damon has been the one to solve all of this. He knows him and has been talking to him for a while. I just feel stupid but you can't blame me for being scared shitless. This guy could snap his fingers and someone would come out and shoot me on spot."

I stare at him blankly. I don't get the whole dealership business but it sound to me like this Abraham guy is after Carter because of his anger and outrage.

"Well, you dumbass" I stand up and smack his head. "Go down there if he's there. Be a man."

Carter looks at me and I feel like I've kicked a puppy, but he can't be out here hiding from this guy. He has to stand up for himself, whether it's his fault or not.

"He's not there. His men are." He tells me but I just shake my head.

"Doesn't matter. Take your ass down." I pull on his shirt and he groans but follows my movement stubbornly.

"What if they beat me up?" He asks and I have to mentally face palm myself. I swearCarter is like a little boy sometimes.

"Mel and Wes won't allow it." I answer although I'm not sure of it. I didn't know there was even a possibility of that happening.

"Yeah, right. Wes will kick my ass as soon as this shit is over." He grumbles and I push him out of my apartment.

"Relax, sugar. And go and fix that shit." I smile and he just rolls his eyes before sauntering off, purposely going slower than his usual walk.

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