an ode to my bestfriend

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An ode to my bestfriend

I know you are reading this
You know who you are
I need you to know I love you
You are my family
My bestfriend
You are the person I go to when I'm sad
When I'm mad
When I don't want to live anymore
When I'm afraid of losing myself
You are my person
I would not be alive without you
I could not live without you
I would not want to

I know you are struggling right now
I know life can seem hopeless
Life is stupid sometimes
But you need to stay
You need to fight
You will be okay
I will do everything in my power to make you okay

You are amazing
You are beautiful
When I get drunk all I can think about is how much I love you
You can piss me off but no matter what happens I will always love you
I will not leave you
So please don't ever leave me

I love you

Remember this

When you feel like shit please re-read this

Because you need to remember

I love you

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