the dress

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I was going to be kind
I was going to civil
I wasn't going to be petty
But then
I found out the truth
And I saw you with her
And I said fuck that
I will still be civil
And I will still be kind
But I'll do it after you find the sweaters you told me to keep neatly folded in your locker and smelling like me
I will smile at you while wearing the dress I wore on our first real date when we went to your house afterwards
Because you do not deserve to own pieces of me anymore
When I look at that dress I see you
So I'm wearing it because you do not get to own my clothing anymore
Because now the dress will no longer be the dress you complimented
It will no longer be the dress I wore to your house
It will no longer be the dress you took off of me
It will just be the dress I wore

You don't own any parts of me or my life anymore
I'm wearing this dress for that
I don't normally wear dresses
But I might start

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