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Its summer and I've used a calculator more than I did during school
I have it all calculated and planned out
Spring mix is 7 calories per one cup
My meat-free chicken strips are 95 calories for two
The dressing I like is 40 calories for a tbsp - I know it's a lot but dinner is my only meal
If you add that all up its only 142 calories for the entire day and if I'm still hungry I can have another cup of spring mix for only 7 cals
So today's total will be 149 cals
I did one planned workout burning 119 cals
And I will continue to do situps throughout the day to burn off the excess cals
Even if I didnt burn any more calories with situps or walking throughout the day 142-119= 30
Meaning the most calories my body will gain today is 30
That's pretty good

But I'm still going to do more situps

And squats

And jumping jacks

30 calories too many

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