dear bitch

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Dear bitch,

I don't know if you will be able read this
Because I've "muted" you
Because you don't deserve access to my personal shit anymore
You lost that right a long time ago
But you crossed a line with sharing it
So fuck you
I am so done with you
All you ever did was cause me pain
And grief
And sadness
And hatred
You might not read this
On the off chance I "unmute" you at some point or the person you told shares it with you
I'd like to say something

You hurt me
I know I probably hurt you too and I'm sorry
I truly am
But you crossed many lines during our friendship and don't bother denying it because I don't care anymore
You can go fuck yourself and I mean that in the sense that I have stopped caring.
Caring for you,
Only meant pain and disappointment for me
I'm sorry
But fuck you


Your ex friend

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