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Karan seat in cafe with his coffee near park, he staring kids with smile, his fingers making circle on mug's edge, his cell beep with notification, he look once his cell & again busy with staring kids..

Cafe's glass door open, Tripura look him, she look to his direction of gaze, a small smile create on her face, a skip moment later reality vanish her smile, she ask a paper & pen to waiter, she write something on paper & give it to waiter, she left the place without Karan's attention..

Waiter goes near Karan, he disturb Karan & handover paper to him, he open that paper, "I'm sorry, I called you here for some reason, but I got a urgent call, we meet later" he close that paper, & he reply her through message, "reality hunts you, I feel your presence here, you saw me, I know, I know you remember our moment, same here, that's our precious time, & I can't forget for lifetime"..

Tripura's cell beep, she read his message, a lone tear roll down..


Both half sit on bed, Tripura's both hands around Karan's waist, her head on his chest, she clearly listen his heartbeats, Karan's one hand around Tripura's waist, they both staring empty wall..

Tripura- B is better..

Karan- no G..

Tripura- B is perfect for these wall, everyone hang couple pic, but we use different naa..

Karan- yeah we can, but G is better naa..

Tripura look him once & again keep her head his chest- naaa, it's too bad..

Karan- ok, first we try for G then B..

Tripura- no, first we try for B then G..

Karan- no.. noo..

Tripura- Karan plz..

Karan- no..

Tripura lose her hands grips form his waist- why you pressurizing me for G..

Karan- they are too sweet..

Tripura- they are also sweet..

Karan- arrye, think about their cuteness..

Tripura- you think once about their charmness..

Karan- coz of their charmness, I can't denial cuteness, try to understand..

Tripura- no you try to understand..

Karan cupped her face- don't try to argue with me jaan..

Tripura with arguing tone- I'm not arguing with you..

Karan- yes you're..

Tripura- no..

Karan- then say yes for Girl..

Tripura- no, you say yes for Boy first..

Karan- no Tripura, I want baby girl first, then I'll think about baby boy..

Tripura- no first boy then girl..

Karan- no first girl..

Tripura- no Karan, already I decided, what will I call him..

Karan- I start to call princess her already, you're late, better luck next time..

Tripura give him angry look- I'll gonna be call him Champ, you just wait & watch..

Karan smirk on his smartness, they both talking about Karan's sister's second baby, which picture they will be hanging on his sister's bedroom, she's coming to India to stay with him for sometime, but he smartly start to talk about their future baby's..

Something lite up in Tripura's mind, she says- one minute, Aditi have one four year old daughter, & she's pregnant second time, why she will take another chance for another baby, I talked with her, & she told me..

Karan get up from bed, his smartness caught by her- I'm talking about our future baby, I'm ok with boy also..

Tripura- you..

Karan came out from bedroom, he start to save himself from her, she run behind him, but she play a prank on him, lightly she hit her leg on sofa, & start her drama, wincing in pain, he comes near, & start to look where her leg hit, she hold his shirt's collar in one hand, & in other one, she hold his cheek & pull so hard..

Karan wincing in pain- aahh jaan it's paining..

Tripura leave his cheek, & collar- it's good..

Karan seat besides her, pull her near him- so you start to think about our future kids..

Tripura- no..

Karan- I'm pressurizing you for our future..

Tripura- no..

Karan- if I pressurised you, please let me know about it..

Tripura- yeah..

Karan- if I'm not pressurizing you, please let me know..

Tripura cut him mid- first tell me, why you want girl first..

Karan- boys are so boring..

Tripura give him only confuse look..

Karan- umm! Like girls look beautiful in every clothes, like they have variety's of clothes, not like boys, they have only, jeans, t-shirt's, shirt's & boring business attire..

Tripura- I want genuine answer..

Karan- when boys got their girls, they gives first priority to their girl, not their parents, that's not the real problem, they are right, but daughter always be my daughter, if she got her man, phir bhi, she always be my daughter, in her life her dad always be his superhero, & in boys life their dad always their maybe best friend, not more then that..

Tripura cupped his face & give & deep kiss on his forehead- in future you gonna be a great dad for our kids, I'm sure they both will surely pampered by their dad only..

Karan- two daughters??

Tripura- no, one boy & one girl..

Karan with naughty tone- as your wish, I don't mind, can we start our work, what say..

Tripura slapped on his arm & get up from sofa- you gonna mad..

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