sequel part 35

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"Sherry, Sherry, Sherry" Tripura jerking Sherry from her deep sleep..

Sherry waking up from her deep sleep in hurry, with pillow, she marched towards the bedroom with half sleepy eyes, in all she babbling- it's earthquake, ohh god my babies bottle of wines, vodkas, whisky..

Same time Tripura laughing loud, Sherry listen her laugh, she opens her eyes fully & look Tripura holding her stomach, laugh like a mad, rolling on bed, Sherry throw pillow on her & stamps her foot towards the Tripura, she playfully slapped Tripura on back, & she seat on bed with grumpy face..

Tripura stop rolling on bed & try to control her laugh, she seat beside her but she can't control her laugh, Sherry give a intensive look to Tripura & Sherry pinch so hard on Tripura's arm, Tripura's laugh turns into scream with pain..

Sherry- it hurts..

Tripura rubbing her arm with pain- very much..

Sherry making her sad & says- ohh so sorry but not these time, you waking me up like this, I thought it's earthquake..

Tripura- if earthquakes happens, people out of the house with their most expensive things, but you out of the house with pillow & your babies bottle of wine, vodka, & whisky, seriously! Ok I totally understand your love towards bottles of alcohol, but pillow, is it really expensive thing, & she start to laugh..

Sherry give her irritating look & say- shut the fuck your laugh, it's irritating me more..

Tripura control her laugh & hold Sherry's arm, & she entwined her arm her, she resting her back on bed's rest, she look once Sherry, who looks to the wall, she clear her throat & says with low tone- if I said anything to you, then please forgive me, maybe it's too much late..

Sherry look her & says- yes you're late, it's 3:30am..

Tripura look her & say- I'm serious..

Sherry- actually I'm upset on you so much, actually you lost your mind, in you're ego of being a single mother, I'm not against being single mother, but I'm against ego, & now you're ego occupied your all sense, actually you lost everything, how to speak, how to tackle the situation, you think your self a great, great women, but you're not..

Tripura ask in between- what's the problem?

Sherry's eyes turned red with tears- Vikrant! Vikrant a person, he was my problem, he was the one who give me this alcoholic life, I wanted to forget him, but he became my life's most precious part too..

Tripura remembered, what is her actually fault, she regret on her own mistake..

Sherry continue to telling her truth about her past life- we both are in the same field, he came in my life like flow, & change me top to toe, we become partners, everything was going good, but my one decision, changed everything, he was on tour, & I gave him one news, same time I cracked one big project, that project change my struggling life towards the well known DJ, but the problem was that, I was pregnant, I was already shared my pregnancy news with him, he was happiest person, when I shared a news about my big project, for that also he was happy, but I was become a selfish, before he comes from tour, I.. & she stopped, she close her eyes, tears rolled down..

Tripura rubbed Sherry's arm, she console her, she try to pecify her, Sherry control her tears, she open her eyes, & she continues- I aborted, & signed that project, he comes from the tour with happy face, but I told him about abortion, he left the house without said a single word, two days I was trying to contact him but he was unavailable, on day third, his bike.. Sherry's voice choked, she start to cry in Tripura's arm..

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