In My Blood

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A/N: Please, please, please read the note at the bottom, it's important for the rest of the story

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A/N: Please, please, please read the note at the bottom, it's important for the rest of the story. Enjoy.xx

Warning: Rape, forced drug use.


Niall hadn't left him alone all day.

The only time Harry got a break from this torture was when the other man went to get food or went to the bathroom.

But Harry didn't get any of that.

Harry hasn't eaten in days and between that and the horrible state his body is in, he can barely try to fight Niall off.

He just has to sit there, tied up and naked, and wait for Niall to return with whatever tortuous plan he has next.

But he can't think about that really because he's just so thirsty. Niall hasn't given him water since he locked him up and he can feel it. It's only been two days—he thinks—but he's never wanted water so much in his life. Even when Louis first kept him in that hell of a hole, he still gave him a bit of water to drink every now and then. His entire mind can only focus on how dry his throat feels.

He heard the door open but his ears only heard 'water' echoing in his mind.

"So weak," Niall muttered but walked over to Harry with a glass in his hand. He played with Harry's greasy locks and smirked as Harry looked up at him with desperate eyes.

"Water." That was all he could mutter out, his eyes trained on the glass held in front of him.

"You want some?" Niall teases, pulling Harry's head back by his curls and bringing the glass to his lips.

Harry eagerly drank as much of the liquid as he could not even taking time to breathe.

"That's a good boy," Niall muttered as he pets his head. He put the empty glass down and crawled onto the bed where Harry was trying to catch his breath. "Are you going to listen to me now?" Harry glared at him, the water seems to give him a bit of his fire back.

"Fuck... Off," Harry panted his glare only hardening when he saw Niall smirk.

"That's okay, you'll be begging for my cock soon enough," Niall chuckled sinisterly, his blue orbs looking down at Harry. Harry suddenly felt extremely hot, his body overheating as he panted. He looked down and saw that he was hard but he didn't know why.

Suddenly, the thoughts of water were replaced by the need of release.

"Looks like the drug worked," Niall laughed, jerking himself off as he watched Harry desperately try to get off. His body was on fire and he could only think about relieving himself, he didn't care how he just knew that he needed it.

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