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A/N: this chapter is a bit short but the next one will be longer and is already halfway done. Hope you guys enjoy.xx


Louis had never felt so lost in his entire life. He felt his heart being crushed by the weight of not knowing what was happening to his doll. His sweet, precious doll.

He knew Harry was stronger than ever, both physically and mentally. He knew Harry wouldn't be broken so easily, but he didn't know how long he could hold out.

There's a reason Leo had always been such a pain in his side most of his life. They're very similar. Both monsters, both demons in their own ways. They both had no problem sacrificing some insignificant person if it meant getting what they wanted. Neither felt remorse for the horrible things they've done.

That's what frightened Louis.

Leo knew about Harry's childhood. He knew things that traumatized him and his fears that he never grew out of. He's Harry's nightmare, his monster that won't release his grip on him.

Louis wasn't oblivious to how good Harry was at hiding things. Hiding his fears and emotions. Hiding things about himself that he wanted no one else to know. Despite how much he had Logan look into Harry, there were things he couldn't uncover.

But Harry always cried in his sleep. Sometimes he would scream out in fear or pain. He would try to get away from Louis, scratch and claw and push him away until he couldn't hold onto him any longer. And then he slowly started to sleep peacefully. He would pull Louis closer to him instead of pushing him away. He'd let out a whine if Louis would get up for any reason.

He was fine until he learned about Leo.

He would scream, begging for Leo to let him go, to stop hurting him. He would fight and beg, but everytime Harry woke up, he never seemed to remember the nightmare. He wouldn't remember how scared he was. He wouldn't remember hitting Louis.

So Louis didn't mention it. He wanted to wait until Harry came to him because it seemed to be something Harry was struggling with. Louis didn't want to push him.

Now, though, he wished he did. He wished he asked Harry and forced him to open up. Maybe if he had he would know what he might be facing. What Leo might be doing to him.

He had no idea what Leo would do and all the things he was imagining had him sick to his stomach.

He had to find him and he had to do it before Leo could do anything to him.

He had to save him.



Pure beauty was all he saw when he looked at Harry's relaxed face. His longer curls framing his chiseled face while his plump lips slightly parted as he let out shallow breaths.

Harry was always beautiful. Even as a baby, he was more beautiful than words could express.

And Leo knew he had to have him.

You could call it an obsession. An unhealthy obsession. His desire to have Harry all to himself without anyone coming between them. The need to have Harry depend on him like he always should have.

He couldn't help wanting to protect the boy with dead green eyes. Those eyes that pierced right through his soul anytime Harry looked at him. The calculating eyes of a budding psychopath. The blossoming of deception and manipulation those orbs showed.

Leo knew he had to get rid of it. He had to make his heart pure like his body and face. Had to let him gain innocence his faulty mind took from him.

He did the best he could and now, with Harry unconscious and helpless in front of him, he needed to see if he was back to being impure. He needed to see if he needed to be taught, just like when they were younger.

And he would. He would do anything to make sure Harry was the exact version of him that Leo wanted. He would make those eyes shine with innocence again. He would make all of that muscle he gained deteriorate until he was soft and delicate again. He would let his hair grow down to his shoulders. He would chain him up until he accepted his true roll in life.

Being his wife.

And he'd do anything to make him accept it.


He just wanted to let them have the life they deserved. Together. Let him live a blissful life with no worries or heartache.

He wouldn't let him continue to be abused and mistreated.

He had to save him.


Zayn wanted nothing more than to hang himself from the ceiling and to die struggling and in pain.

He couldn't protect Harry. Why could he never protect him?

That's all he wanted to do since he first saw him. When he saw Louis talking to him in the food court mall with Gemma walking towards them, all he wanted was to protect him.

But he was too weak and he knew it.

He didn't stand a chance against Louis. Louis, his best friend, his savior, his brother. Louis was always the better half in their friendship. No matter how hard Zayn worked, whether it was in school or games as children, working or dating as adults, Louis was always the superior one.

If they were really brothers he would say it's the burden you bear as the younger sibling. You can't ever measure up to the first born.

But Zayn never really resented that until he met Harry. Harry made him want to be a better person. He made Zayn feel like he was special, not just second best to his friend.

And Zayn loved him for that.

He saw Harry as a little brother he wanted to protect, keep him safe from all the dangers that surrounded him. And since he was dating Gemma, Harry really was like his little brother in a sense.

But he failed yet again to save him.

This time, though, he wouldn't fail. He didn't care what he had to do to protect him, he would do it without hesitation.

He had to save him.

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