The Great Pretender

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Louis watched with amused eyes as both, Niall and Zayn, froze in their spots.

"W-What?" Niall stuttered in shock before Zayn could. Louis shrugged innocently.

"I was counting on Niall doing exactly what he did."

"How the fuck could you do that?" Zayn screamed and the fury he felt in his entire body had completely overshadowed the fear he felt for his best friend. They both know what Niall does to the men he's interested in and the fact that Louis knew what was going to happen and let it makes him absolutely sick.

Louis glared at him harshly, lighting up a cigarette.

"Why the fuck do you care so much? You've never cared about the other people I've left alone with him. Why is Harry any different?" Louis questioned through gritted teeth. He didn't like being questioned, especially when it came to what he was doing with Harry.

"Because Harry isn't consenting to any of this shit! He was a sweet, innocent kid whose entire life you took away because you were being selfish. Because you 'love' him," Zayn growled tauntingly. "You took everything from him and now, you leave him with a sadist who raped and tortured him for days and for what? What the hell was your reason to hurt him like that? Why were you counting on him doing that?" Zayn interrogated angrily, walking up to Louis who was doing nothing to hide his irritation. Louis took a drag of his cigarette to calm himself down before he did something he'd regret.

Louis was so irritated that he just wanted to shut Zayn up. So, he told them the truth.

"He finally asked me to stay." Zayn and Niall both look at Louis as he smiled softly, like what he just said was everything he ever wanted.

"W-What?" Zayn stuttered out, his brown eyes watching the man beam happiness. Louis looked at him with shining eyes.

"He finally asked me to stay with him. I figured that if he feared someone more than he feared me, he would want me to stay by his side. I left him with Niall so he'd realize that he loved me and needed me to protect him." Louis smirked, watching in pure and utter amusement when Zayn's face falls completely. He looked over at Niall who even looked shocked at the revelation. "He was starting to let his guard down around me and I could see he was feeling something more positive towards me. All I did was allow Niall to give him a little push."

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