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A/N: One more chapter after this and then it's the end of the first book! I'm so excited to get to the action, you guys have no idea! Enjoy!

Also, the normal text is happening in the present and the italics are in the past, but they're intertwined together so be aware of that!


Zayn walked through the door of the mansion, his mind blank. He was on autopilot as he walked through the house to get Harry.

He needed to see him.

"Just fuck off why don't you?" He heard Harry's deep voice spit out harshly.

"To start, Harry doesn't know about anything we're about to tell you. We've kept it a secret from him his entire life. We're only telling you this to help him through this. He's bound to be terrified and his mind is probably crashing." Zayn nodded and Des continued. "I'm sure you know of the dark secrets of the Hawk organization," Des said, his voice mixed with firm disgust and utter hatred.

"I do," Zayn answered quickly. "But how do you?" He asked.

"Don't fucking talk to me that way Harry. Don't forget who I am to you!" Louis yelled at him. His voice was the one that scared everyone who came in contact with him. The amount of fear that man could create in a human was impressive. But as Zayn walked up to where they were, he knew that Harry wasn't backing down.

"When Harry was a child, we found out there was something wrong with him mentally. It wasn't hard for doctors to diagnose him."

"Believe me, I won't forget who you are to me. I promise." Harry's voice was no longer angry, but sad instead.

"I'm sure you know who Leo is? Well, at the time, his father, Cole, was the CEO of Hawk. They were working on an implant that would go into the brain to fix the mental illness that Harry had. It just so happened that Harry was diagnosed at the same time they were ready to start testing the implants on children. I guess the implant wasn't strong enough to use on adults so they were trying it on children." Zayn's eyes widened in shock. He never heard of Hawk testing on children.

"You let them put an implant in his brain?" Zayn asked in disbelief, watching as Anne's eyes filled with angry tears.

"Don't look at us with such judgemental eyes. You have no idea how scared we were for him. We didn't know how to raise a child who was like that." Anne spat out angrily. Des placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her down but she shoved him off, walking to the other side of the room.

"It just so happened that I was also very good friends with Cole Reed. He gave me the option to give my son a better life. That was all we ever wanted for him, so yes, we let them put the implant in so he could grow up as a normal child."

"Stop with the fucking attitude, I will fucking kill George right now if you don't fucking stop being a bitch," Louis growled, gripping Harry's chin harshly. Harry smirked up at him.

"Really? That's all you've got to scare me? That's pathetic." Louis narrowed his eyes, moving his hand down to Harry's throat, squeezing.

"So help me, I will throw you back in that fucking hole again you fucking cunt," Louis threatened. Zayn stepped onto the last step, watching as Harry smirked.

"He was the first child the implant was successful on, but the implant needed to be replaced every three years. Five months before the implant needs to be replaced, Harry's mind starts to lose the effects of the implant. This birthday they were supposed to put an implant in that was supposed to last the rest of his life. But then he went missing." Des looked at Zayn's reactions as he spoke.

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