Story Of My Life

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A/N: I would just like to say that I am in no way saying that the way the characters act are how people with Anti-Social Personality Disorder act. I am giving traits to these characters to fit the story so please don't think that psychopaths act how Louis does! I am in no way saying that the way these characters are portrayed is anywhere close to how they would act in real life. I try my best with the research and the knowledge I have to make them as realistic as possible, but I also change things to fit the story so please don't take their personalities as an accurate representation! I am no expert in this so things may be wrong!

Please enjoy the last chapter of this book and let me know what you think!xx


Harry watched as his sister and his cousin played outside without him, but he didn't care. His sister was annoying and his cousin was even more so. They were always laughing and smiling, Harry didn't understand it.

"Harry, honey, why don't you go play with them?" Anne asked her child, turning him around. Harry gave her a blank stare as he shook his head.

"No." He said shortly, no emotion emitting from his words. Anne bit her lip anxiously.

"Will you at least take Lily on a walk?" Harry looked over at the small puppy who perked up when she heard 'walk'.

It was annoying.

"Sure." Harry smiled sweetly at his mother, going to grab the leash. The dog followed him and he found that even more annoying. He puts the leash on her when they get to the front door, tugging her out harshly. He smirked when he heard her choke and whimper in pain, at least, until Gemma hit the back of his head.

"Don't hurt her you, idiot!" She yelled, trying to take the leash from him but he moved it away from her. She would always yell and throw fits and hit Harry. Harry would hit her back but he would get in trouble if he did so he only does it when Gemma's watching him.

"Mum told me to take her on a walk," he snapped at her, tugging Lily with him. He began to run fast, not giving the poor puppy a chance to catch up to him with her little legs. He felt something in his chest as he heard her whimpering and it egged him on to keep running faster.

Until she stopped whimpering and she was suddenly a lot harder to pull.

Harry looked back to see Lily, tears in her brown, dead eyes, no longer breathing.

And it made Harry feel something.

It was the same feeling he got when he would kill those birds or squirrels, watching their eyes go blank.

He picked her up in his arms, turning to go back to his house. He walked back home quickly, seeing as he got a few blocks away from where he wasn't supposed to pass. Once he got to the end of their block, he turned to go into the woods behind their house. He walked to his shed, limp body in hand, that his father helped him build when Gemma took over the treehouse in their backyard.

Only Harry was allowed there.

He unlocked and opened up the shed door, bringing her inside. He sat her down on the table in the middle of the room. He walked over to his toolbox, grabbing his father's hunting knife that went missing a few weeks ago. He walked back over to the dog,

"You had it coming," he said before he stabbed her stomach. He grinned as he continued.

This was the only thing that was never annoying.

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