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A/n: Even filler chapters are important.xx


"What has Leo been up too? Have you found the connection between him and Harry yet?" Viktor nodded, sliding a something over to Louis. It was a picture of two families, Harry's family and another with a father and a son.

"It seems that Des has friends in higher places than we thought considering how poor they are. Des and Leo's father, Cole, have been friends their entire lives." Louis studied the picture. His eyes were immediately drawn to Harry as a young child, around 3 or 4. His face wasn't smiling like the rest of the people in the photograph. He was smiling, yes, but not like the others. It was small and hardly there like he was faking it.

But he was only a child, he probably was throwing a fit before the picture was taken.

Then Louis' eyes moved to someone else. An older kid was holding him, around 10 or 11, a big smile on his face as he cuddled Harry close to him.

It was Leo, no doubt about that.

"How do they know each other?" Louis asked, studying the picture carefully.

"They went to primary school together and were together up until Cole inherited Hawk on his 18th birthday from his father who died of a heart attack when he was 17. They finished high school and then Cole went off to uni while his father's advisor helped him run the company. They lost touch for a bit while he went to college and Des married Anne. Shortly after he graduated with a business degree, he had Leo. Then, 5 years later Anne and Des had Gemma and another three years later, they had Harry." Louis nodded, looking up at him. That means that Leo was 11 and Harry was 3. Leo was 8 years older than Harry and only a year older than himself.

"How much contact did they have as they grew up?" Louis asked.

"Not much. They were busy with their careers until you and your father got Des hooked. But Des was quite a smart man. He saved a lot of money for Gemma and Harry until he got hooked. Looks like when you got him hooked, you ruined their lives." Louis glared at Viktor who put his hands up in surrender.

"Just shut up and get back to work." Louis stood up and walked to the door, leaving Viktor to himself. He walked over to his room where Harry was sleeping peacefully. Half of his naked body was covered by a blanket, but it still exposed the love bites all over his pale body. Louis sat down beside him and ran his hands through Harry's long hair. It was past his collar bones now and Louis loved it.

"Can you let me cut it?" Harry asked groggily, looking up at Louis with sleepy eyes. Louis smiled down at him, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. Harry cupped his cheek and kissed him back lazily, their tongues dancing together slowly.

"How short?" Louis asked, gripping the curls slightly. Harry shrugged.

"Enough that I won't be hot during the summer. I know we're not there yet but I've never had my hair this long before. It's starting to bug me." Louis couldn't help but watch the way Harry's lips formed every word he spoke. It was beautiful.

"I don't know how I feel about that—" Louis tugged Harry's head back by his hair, pressing kisses and sucking more love bites into his skin. "—I quite like being able to pull you around like this." Louis turned Harry so he was on his back. Harry spread his legs open to let Louis fit between them, arching his back when Louis sucked on his sweet spot.y

"I know you do, but I think I look even better with shorter hair. I think you'll prefer to see my whole face instead of having my hair cover it all the time," Harry said, biting his lip when Louis pulled away from his neck to look at him. Louis let go of his tight grip on Harry's hair and instead, brushes a few stray curls from his face.

"I think you're right. I'll arrange for someone to come cut your hair tomorrow, but I want a little treat before we get to that. Let me play with your long hair one last time," Louis said softly, leaning down to capture Harry's lips with his own. Harry let out a soft whimper, wrapping his arms around Louis' neck to bring him closer.

The sweet kiss soon turned rough and aggressive, Louis grinding down harshly on Harry's naked body. Harry let out sweet whimpers of pleasure as he tried to pull Louis closer. The older man flipped Harry over so he was on all fours, gripping his hair as he shoved himself inside of Harry's hole. Harry let out a pained moan. He was still loose from earlier, but it still hurt when Louis shoved himself in without any prep.

"Sorry, I just can't help myself when it comes to you," Louis grunted out as he tugged Harry backs, forcing him on just his knees. He held him there as he thrust vigorously, their bodies pressed close together. Harry turned his head back to look at Louis, a blissed-out look on his face. He could feel Louis deeper inside of him in this position and it felt so, so good.

"Don't hold back, p-please," Harry begged, letting out a loud moan when Louis tugged his hair harshly.

"God, what am I going to do with you? You're going to kill me." Louis kissed Harry harshly as he sped up, both nearing climax.

'If only it was that easy.'


"You ready?" Harry nodded his head as the woman took a strand of his hair in her slender fingers. Her name was Emilia and she's an incredibly sweet woman.

How she knew and liked Louis, he has no idea.

"Please, cut it all off. I don't want it anymore." Harry looked in the mirror as she brought her scissors up to the strand of hair she had in her hand. He waited impatiently for her to begin, feeling a moment of relief when he heard the scissors snip together. He watched as that strand of hair fell to the ground and a smile blossomed onto his face.

His hair had grown so much since he got to this horrible place, feeling this heavyweight on his head and mind as it continued to grow out. But now, he was releasing all of that, all of the pain and anguish he felt. With every snip, he felt like he was getting rid of every traumatic feeling he had ever felt while being there. All the guilt and sadness he ever felt began to melt away and he never felt better.

As he stared at his newly cut hair, he felt like he'd been reborn, as silly as it sounded. He was ready to do whatever was necessary to keep himself alive.

No matter the cost.


A/N: Idk why I try to write smut because it always turns out awkward. Comment and vote if you liked this chapter! Love you guys.xx

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