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A/N: I can't wait for the next chapter :)



"Zayn?" Gemma questioned with tired eyes. Zayn could see how exhausted she was and it broke his heart to see her like this.

"Does Harry have a multiple personality disorder or something?" Zayn snapped, shivering on the doorstep of the Styles' home. Gemma's eyes widened slightly as she opened the door for him.

"Come in, you must be freezing," she ushered him in, taking him to the kitchen. "I'll get you a cup of tea, sit down." Zayn looked around the kitchen. It was so cozy and neat, just like the rest of what Zayn saw of the house.

"Gem, Harry's acting really fucking weird and not like himself at all. What's going on with him?" Gemma paused from pouring the tea but continues a second later.

"He's being held hostage, why the hell would you think he would be acting normal?" She snapped out, her body tense as she sat the kettle back on the stove. She took a deep breath before letting her body relax.

"I mean he's acting differently than before. He used to have at least some fight left in him, but now—" Zayn bit his lip anxiously, wondering if he should tell her or not, "Now he's given up. I looked him in the eye and those weren't the eyes of your brother. Those weren't Harry's eyes. They were cold and emotionless. They were so empty and vacuous, it was scary." Gemma turned around, handing him his tea. She leaned against the counter, crossing her arms over her chest.

"When did you notice the change in him?" She asked, her curious eyes staring at him intensely. Her gaze made Zayn shiver slightly, seeing yet another side of her that she had never shown before.

"Yesterday was when I noticed it for sure, but I'd have to say he started acting weird on his birthday," Zayn said, taking a sip of his tea. He watched as Gemma went rigid, but her parents walked into the room before Zayn could comment on it. Zayn made eye contact with Des, their eyes locking onto each other intensely.

"Oh, Zayn," Des said, his tone on the verge of anger. It was obvious he was trying to keep his cool, knowing exactly what Zayn could do if he were to get on his bad side.

Looks like he finally learned.

"Why are you here?" Des asked in a sickeningly sweet tone, venom hidden beneath it. Zayn couldn't blame him for the hostility.

"He came here asking if Harry had a personality disorder," Gemma interjected, giving her parents a stern look. Des looked back at her confused.


"He said that Harry started acting weird." Des and Anne's eyes widen, making Zayn wonder what they were hiding.

"Zayn, I hope you don't mind but I need to go talk to my parents. Why don't you go drink that in the living room and warm up, okay?" She posed the command as a question but she wasn't asking. And yet again, he's met with another side of a Styles sibling that's never been shown before.

He had no idea they both had such complex personalities. Even Des seemed to have sides Zayn hadn't known. Standing tall and proud despite the fact that he was appeasing Zayn. He wasn' sniveling like a child when he didn't get his drugs like Zayn had become accustomed to seeing him. The Styles family seemed so simple when you first meet them, but that's just not true at all. They're all hiding who they are and they are good at it.

Anne is the only one who seems to be who she seems.

But that could also be a lie.

"Sure, take your time," Zayn said, pressing the bugging device under the counter subtly. She smiled at him and walked him to the door, watching as he walked away. Zayn walked into the living room and sat the tea down quickly, pulling out the headphone that was connected to the device.

They were whispering and arguing, Gemma's tone filled with annoyance as she spoke.

"—so what exactly do you want me to tell him? He thinks Harry has multiple personality disorder," Gemma asked in frustration. Des sighed.

"Tell him it's true, it better he thinks that than the truth—"

"How is that better? If and when Harry goes off the rails, someone's going to need to know what's really going on with him," Gemma points out, shutting her mother up.

"Gemma, don't give me that attitude, I'm your mother and you still need to respect me—"

"Harry is being held hostage by a man who's obsessed with him. Who knows what he's done to him and on top of that, Harry's mind is probably a carousel of crazy right now. I'm the only one who can even relate a little bit to what he's dealing with right now and it's not fun. So I think telling Zayn is our best option to keep him sane," Gemma snapped at her mother while Zayn let out an irritated sigh.

"What is she talking about?" He muttered in frustration. They kept dancing around what he wanted to know as if they knew he was listening to them. It was frustrating.

"But you know what could happen if Hawk finds out," Anne said worriedly. Zayn's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the name.

Hawk was a huge medical corporation that dealt with medical research and testing new drugs before putting them out into the public.

But that was only to fool the public.

The truth behind the corporation was that they were hiding behind a facade. Their main product was illegal drugs and they're the competing cartel against Louis'. Not only that, but they do unconventional methods with their medical testings.

They test their medical products on humans instead of on animals and their test subjects aren't willing participants. They were involved with the government and took criminals and war prisoners in for testing. They torture and kill the people that the government wanted gone and they get paid a fortune to do it.

The CEO, Leo Reed, was Louis' rival and just as ruthless.

"How the hell are they involved with them?" He muttered angrily.

"Well, we're just going to have to take that chance. He needs to know what he's dealing with," Gemma states firmly. It was silent for a few moments until Anne sighed.

"Fine, we'll tell him. But I still think this is a horrible idea." Zayn heard footsteps approaching the living room and he quickly took the headphones out and shoved it in his pocket. He finished his tea and looked up when Gemma entered.

"C'mon, we need to talk."


Things will be revealed in the next chapter.

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